The Nuremberg defence: " We knew but were only following orders!" This plus variations such as" mistakes were made" are the latest in rationalizations and deception designed to distract and absolve from individual responsibility; those advocating such positions for the sake of moving on or forgiving and forgetting reveal an abysmal ignor…
The Nuremberg defence: " We knew but were only following orders!" This plus variations such as" mistakes were made" are the latest in rationalizations and deception designed to distract and absolve from individual responsibility; those advocating such positions for the sake of moving on or forgiving and forgetting reveal an abysmal ignorance of history, not to mention ignorance of human psychology (including psychopathy).
The Nuremberg defence: " We knew but were only following orders!" This plus variations such as" mistakes were made" are the latest in rationalizations and deception designed to distract and absolve from individual responsibility; those advocating such positions for the sake of moving on or forgiving and forgetting reveal an abysmal ignorance of history, not to mention ignorance of human psychology (including psychopathy).