Give it time JH. The vast majority of people are normies who have literally zero chance of understanding or accepting what reality is.

They have to be woken up gently. That's partly our job.

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Unfortunately, the country is running out of time, as is the rest of the world.

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That's the perpetuated MAGA/Q psyop narrative since 2017 designed to lull you into divisive, deluded, moral relativist complacency while the unyielding ruling cult's agendas for mass culling/technocratic totalitarian world governance/transhumanism via IoT/AI, for which ALL POTUS serve and ALL UN nations agreed to back in 1992 and have correlated, in unison, under the guise of "Climate Action Plan" with all city, state and county corporate govts, worldwide, since then and increasing in momentum since 2020 and with Trump's avalanche of EOs right out the gate. If you are unaware of the WEF/UN Agenda 21/2030 plan, in progress, at least since 1990, you can have no discerned perspective with regard to the real intent and near future consequences of camouflaged POTUS EOs, that align with WEF/UN Agenda "reset of doom". Trump is still supporting mRNA jabs for fuck sake "for our good"!and RFK Jr. still openiy supports ""vaccines".We don't have time to eat popcorn/drink kool-aid in a movie theater watching actors play batman/robin saving humanity while the reality toward checkmate for the ruling cult is speeding up! There are varying degrees of "normies" including those who irrationally regurgitate, "give it time"/"trust the plan" in a world where humanity is manipulatively controlled via world stage theatrics, by a heirarchical parasitic, psychopathic death cult of no-names whose blood-related sock puppet minions play their scripted "good cop/bad cop"roles and real/unreal world events are orchestrated.. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN TRUST WITHIN THIS ILLUSORY CONTROL CONSTRUCT. Government/religion are both unnatural, inherently immoral control constructs. Inherently, no man/woman has authority over another man/woman, thus, no man/woman can delegate authority to another.We can trust in symbiotic Nature/reality and our infinite power as co-creative beings blessed with free will choice, at the effect of eternal, immutable and OBJECTIVE Natural Law (Golden Rule/Cause & Effect/Karma) to choose right or wrong behavior. Contrary to what humanity has been led to forget, morality is NOT subjective (satanic ideology). Do not initiate harm to another sentient being or support those that do is Natural Law. Separateness is an illusion. Thus, we objectively reap the consequences of our individual choices of behavior (moral or immoral) in the collective human experience, proportionately. Change in the human experience is ALWAYS initiated from the consequences of our individual choices of behavior, never, inversely from without. In that, you can trust.

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the perpetuated MAGA/Q psyop narrative since 2017


Death to dissimulators.... and their organ-grinding monkey!

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Are they releasing the Epstein files and seeking justice for victims, or engaging in a PR stunt designed to put the whole mess aside?

Another question: How is it possible in a case where over 200 children were abused by powerful men that the only person incarcerated in relation to these crimes is a female?

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It's possible... only due to the fact that Puppet45/47 ... like many a POTUS before him... are playthings of a judaic sect which prizes an 'androgynous supernal godhead' above all else in this universe. Their talmudic-kabbalist 'heaven' is a place where 144,000 male jewish "virgins"(note: this means 'virgin' to womenkind only - NOT virgin to sexual pleasures!)inherit an earth "cleansed" of filth... as in non judaic supremacists personas.

For millennia now, the benjaminite returnees from babylon have trembled in their boots at the lurking menace of the womb. And done all they can to eliminate it's power to control both life and death. Now they are closer than ever before to achieving the goal of replacing women's control over their fates... with the maniacal self-worshipping freakenstein that is their AI-immortal chimeric replacement for gender-based humanity.

Folks need to wake up and smell Agent Oranges' 'kofeve!'

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Sure. And immediately we have the ‘minders’ jumping up and down spelling out the futility of demanding our rightful answers and justice for this atrocity. Don’t even think about getting off your knees. This issue embodies the very hydra that snares the world, by the hands of the parasitic sociopaths. And this is their drum-roll to receive the collective handwaving and implicit consent from the People, their prey and victims, that we are accepting of our fate and their superiority over us. This IS OUR HILL TO DIE ON ! The answer is NO! NO to human ownership, NO to ‘chosen people’, NO to usury and debt-slavery constructs, NO to physical and psychologic warfare, NO to coerced intrusion into bodies (wether directly or by stealth), NO implied silent consent. Let’s turn this Opting-out into an Opting-in reality. NO to the 4th Industrial Revolution concept, NO to a ‘New Normal ideology’, NO to Ai unleashed, NO to mass migrations and dilution of national identity, NO to cultural re-education, NO to One World Government, NO to false climate warfare, NO to strategies of division. Let’s start with a loud NO CONSENT GIVEN !

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"minders" dissing 'minders'... best remove those blinders Mr Magoo.

Your 'consent' is not a required part of the puzzle anymore. You gave it implicitly in the last [s]election... before which, in case you've 'forgotten' already... DJT truthfully told the dupes -


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The uni-orbit election magic is another item on the sunset list. Getting your pick between the deceptions of two hijackers is hardly a fair contractual agreement. You do have a point in that the desperate herd willfully misinterpreted what it wanted to hear at times. Though promises were made as well. The time has come where feet need to be held next to the flames of


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That was a good one. "Just look at \trimpfs/face," Childers closes off his piece with. Yeah, Don, the 'false messiah' of Magaville, has the look of a guy who's beginning to realize that he's gonna be allowed to get 'every which way but loose.' 'But.....you promised me this time!'

Don has met the (neo-trotskyite judaic)puppet in the UK high chair and - like POGO - realized at last 'the enemy is US... as in USA. llc., that subsidiary of the City of London which has been in operation since some point in the C18th when the deal was 'officially' inked - between "Deep State" agent (and Hellfire Club member)"BEN" Franklin and the usual suspects.

It was the now forgotten/suppressed/slandered REAL PATRIOT of his country HENRY FORD who schooled Merikans in their own history(and fate). In Heritage History he wrote -

"It was at Montreal that Benedict Arnold came into contact with the young Jew, David Solesbury Franks, the Canadian agent of the Franks army-purveying syndicate. And the next thing known about young Franks is that he returns to the American Colonies in the train of Benedict Arnold as an officer of the American Army."

Just as the orders to snuff JFK, for his efforts to govern Dimona via international law, came out of Montreal - via Louis Bloomfield, servant of court jew Bronfman - so the guiding force of corruption, deceit and banking which has drawn the dying republic fatally close was initiated from that quarter. No one want's to listen. No one wants to know.

edit: oh! Should have added.... Puppet47 repeated the formula when he went to Wilbur Ross - servant of same usual suspects to gain reprieve from his self-made financial folly! And if he ever thought of straying from the deal - he's immediately reminded of the grim truth -


C'est la vie mon amis!|

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It coming out now slowly. Suddenly talking heads like Megan Kelly are allowed to talk about it. Megan called it gene therapy. That would of never flown a year ago. Daily Mail also calling out the jabs bad.

I think eventually they’ll pivot to , yes some people were harmed but this was an emergency and an experimental gene therapy, but it still saved millions of lives.

Those that did badly were in bad health with problems already. That everybody knew this was an experimental drug. They’ll do better next time.

Let’s hope the truth comes out fully and that’s why Trump appointed diverse people. So that they can debate the science publicly.

They’ll come out with the magic treatments for MRNA cancers.

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Te, as you well know, from having been witness to that train wreck called "paul alexander" substack, the only thing coming out slowly is the 'game plan' which the controllers had in place long before Puppet47 was brought back into his 'high chair.'

For three weeks I watched in awe as the 'revelation of the method' played out before my eyes, and the dupes took the bait every time, hook line and stinker.

Every time some obvious development would come up to make the situation obvious to even the most dense among em, the guy would simply let out more line... let the guppies feel a bit more 'free' from the pull of reality,

and then invoke the usual bullshit story line about 'muslim groomers' or car ramming. Works every time to bring em back in line. Sadly, there is nothing other than that going on in USA right now. And if you tell them they're being played.... then all that pent up anger immediately comes back on those who dare give them the chance to see it for themselves.

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Some associated Jeffrey Epstein with a CIA cutout called DynCorp because his planes have DynCorp tail numbers. It’s been said that for the last 8 years or so questions on this info go unanswered.

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It goes deeper, friend. Much deeper.

Jeffy's Bell Long Ranger 206L3 helicopter (tail number N474AW) shared same with a U.S. State Department OV-10D Bronco. According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registration database, Epstein's Bell helicopter and the Bronco owned by the U.S. State Department - contracted to the private military company DYNCORP INTERNATIONAL both used the same identification number.

That's just the first step down this lil wabbit whole. Below you go to.... vaccine companies in MI owned by IDF flyboys, child trafficking by USA military contractors in Afghanistan & Bosnia... arms dealers, filmed sex parties in Columbia featuring child rape and stuff to make a "DIDDY" blush, government slush to make a "Bushey Bandit" hush...

and connections to a Wall St money manager who Puppet 45 appointed to his President's Intelligence Advisory Board in 2018.

Let me know if you wanna go. Local Maga/Miga-gots will gag n rag, but 'an injection of KOVID truth serum never hurt nobody... right? Worst can happen, Al Dershowitz needs to change his shorts. All o'er agin!

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Maybe if we called them the Epstein Victim Lists it would be easier to see them?

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