I don't think it's the CCP, it is the Western Elites. Those controlling Davos. They want us dead and they will be able to control Chinese and Japanese populations more easily than us
WEF, Davos, Soros, Fauci are the frontmen aka useful isiots. Elimination of Western civilizations democracies - where are the "gene therapy" "vaccines" were sold is Goal #1 through ongoing Unrestricted Warfare which has been easily done with a bought narrative through censorship and with massive communist infiltration -big, thick, deep and wide. Money buys all - bribes, blackmail, suicides.
for the bioweapon info: Check out Harvard2thebighouse on twtr
The very naivety of power and bloodlines believe they have the power,
Will and egotistic thought they have the intelligence that their plan will work.
It’s a sad situation humanity has allowed the plan even to happen!
Sadly in parts from the scenarios through their planning has and is in full flow but they’ve severely forgotten the will of the subconscious and conscious mind.
Energies good or bad through meticulous planning don’t always go to the plan that evil has decided and to continue their arrogance shall work and they get away with it.
You don’t Fuck with universal Laws and expect to come out on top.
God did not allow the human race to evolve the way it has for it to be turned into something that’s neither ending up human and un spiritual.
Humanity is on the brink of evolving like never before!
There was never anything new that has come without a fight to establish energies that the flesh of humanity has come to realise their true power is being forced into play before the world’s eyes.
Look beyond the false movie that’s playing out before our eyes and grasp by looking within and allowing the light of our creator to shine through.
It’s within our grasp now.
And change is on its way.
Who wishes to walk in the light of one true energy the Creator!
The CCP is definitely in on all this as are all the "Western Elites". The CCP is the darling of the WEF and cronies. This is a planned planetary genocide. "Population Control" Eugenics.
Agreed about the population control issue. It seems destroying America is on that list also. Viz. Sanctions against Russia make Russia much stronger. Killing Americans and soldiers plus the whole woke debacle. Encouraging children to change genders at a young age in an irreversible surgery. It’s all part of Transhumanistic agenda where we will become robotic sterile slaves. Not to mention the attempts to lower the age of consent…..they are a bunch of evil pedos. Now the question is who is running the show? Is it 8,500 Luciferans? Is it the “Royal” bloodline families? Is it a bunch of greedy pedo megalomaniacs? In some sense it doesn’t matter. We have to drain that whole swamp and not just blame China
Very true, klause Schwab placed China at thehead of it, he,the WHO,the wef,the UN, and 170 criminal governments signed up to world reset and mass depopulation...genocide...the Rothschild's are involved,and the Royals, Wil.iam is the head of the 300..and his father and grandfather are in the club...
In his speech in 2019, klause Schwab placed China,the CCP,at the head of it..its the WHO,UN,WEF,BIG PHARMA, PFIZER, and 170 criminal governments that signed up to it...mass depopulation, they had planned it for 2030, but have brought it forward to 2025..absolutely evil...
They are the evil monsters we feared as children. Couldn't fathom is could be a human being. Absolutely disgusting. Severe consequences immediately and seize all assets
The world has definitely been deceived, butI this deception has been going on since the 1800’s, maybe longer.
I believe the CCP are puppets that are answering to the demonic overlords of this whole world, along with most country leaders.
What psychopaths are doing is fulfilling biblical prophecy. I believe time is almost up for all people (jabbed & pure) in the world, according to the book of Revelation time line.
You are spot on, and the head of the CCP has admitted it, that this injection,was brought in to bring down the US, they would no longer be the super power,all the vaxed military would die.....also said,all vaxed are chipped, details kept up in the Cloud, all have a Mac address, Bluetooth.....he said the vax transmits to others.....
yes, we are being exterminated through the vax, shedding, PCR tests, masks, poisoning of our food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, supplements and vitamins also.
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Many of us understand the nature of all these tentacles going back to seemingly rather ancient historical roots. I am pretty convinced there has not yet been a civilization in this world - an organized hierarchy of humans structured in a top down fashion - which has offered freedom or justice for very long - if at all. Plus they all fail. To me the evil lives in the masters of the universe who think they run the place. But the agreement to be so led belongs to each of us. And there are always more of us (we the people) than masters of the universe.
Of course there was violence before civilizations but was it as extreme and blood thirsty and on a scale as they offered by civilizations?
Great food for thought. All I know is when ppl get together for and by themselves we are selfless and work for the group and we are beautiful. I have seen it time and time again.
Then there is another example: the CIA saw LSD as a truth serum and a way to nullify leftists. The whole concept of spiritual awakening completely passed them by. As did ppl expressing displeasure about the Vietnam War to the point of getting billy clubbed and being peaceful and thereby gaining support across the whole country. It was the Mother of all Blowbacks. They were worried and have been pushing hard ever since……make students afraid to protest etc.
That theory about the CCP is supported by data suggesting that genetic engineering in the virus seemingly affecting some racial groups more significantly than others. They did let a virus leak out of a lab, in Wuhan, China, that was genetically modified and the data on death rates tells a story all on its own.
James, the article mentioned that ‘experts’ urged additional studies in order to preclude ‘false positives’ — a sound methodological refrain which certainly was NOT adhered when people were being tested for COVID-19.
Do you know of any follow up studies on this revelation?
FYI not getting all your notices. Currently on a short pd susppension but should still be getting all your tidbits. Upping pd subs to a couple in fire areas who lost homes or were damaged. Yesterday saw a burn video of Altadena🥲. Worked a lot in Altadena over the years. My heart sank. The treasure of Altadena is largely gone. I hate this agenda.
Does the CCP own all the banks and the media and the Corporations? China is a communist country, communism comes from Judaism otherwise known as PhariseeIsm. If you want to know who is behind everything look no further than your Bible. Revelation chapter 2:9
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
These are the people who pretend to be Jews, even though they are Luciferians.
They are the ones that own everything, they are the ones that control the kings of the Earth, they are the ones that can be found inRevelation Chapter 17.
The eyes of everyone are blind because they do not know what the word of God plainly reveals.
These people are parasites, they suck the wealth out of nations with their Fiat currencies, and they tax the citizenry into poverty. They pretend to be the bride of Christ, but the woman riding the beast in revelation 17 is no bride, she’s a whore. she’s a false bride.
These people have been kicked out of 109 countries already, and the last country to kick them out, (Germany) went from being an impoverish nation to a World Power almost overnight.
People are starting to figure out that they’ve been lied to and deceived, and it’s always the same people behind all of it, every time.
It’s not the Chinese, they own the Chinese, just like they own the USA, just like they own Vatican City, just like they own Great Britain. They want a one order and they are prepared to kill, steal, and destroy in order to make it happen. Have you ever heard the saying “order out of chaos” - we are about to see the chaos, the people of the world will cry out for a solution, and then they are going to give you one.
Nobody hates Jesus Christ more than the Pharisees… after all, they are the ones who crucified him. Judaism is PHARISEESISM. They don’t follow the Torah, they follow the Babylonian Talmud.
These are the enemies of humanity, these people serve the God of this world, Saturn, Satan, Lucifer…
By the time you guys figure this out, you’re already going to be dead, so you might as well get right with God now.
Dr. Hill, I’ve corresponded with you before and I subscribe to your Substack. I’m shocked there were no responses to this article! I just found it. It completely blew my mind! Do you know anything more about this since Dec.? I want to share this with some people.
By the way I agree about Dr. McCullough and the way he characterizes the motivation for mass vax etc. He’s hedging for sure. Early on in a long interview with Tucker Carlson he said there was a sinister plan behind COVID, vax and suppression of early treatment. My guess is there was some backlash from that or he was told he better drop that part of his message or his credibility would be ruined. I think it was on Fox Nation.
Thank you for your comment and for being a subscriber.
I haven’t heard anything more about the Deagel report since December. Deagel apparently took down the part of his site that showed expected population reductions in western nations by 2025. Fortunately, Craig Paardekooper kept those pages.
Deagel said he got the info, which he published years ago, from military and intelligence sources.
I agree about Dr. McCullough likely being told to change his message. In his April 2021 interview with Reiner Fuellmich, he called Covid and its response “a bioweapon operation entering the next phase.” Soon after, he apparently stopped saying that.
The message of McCullough, Tucker, and Malone is the pandemic response is “for power and money,” “mistakes were made,” and “some people were overzealous and maybe went a little further than they should have.”
This is like the 9/11 Commission report saying the event happened due to America’s “failure of imagination.”
I think Dr. Yeadon is closer the truth in saying it’s a depopulation bioweapon.
(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).
And I think what he means by "behind the scenes financial and Zionist powers" are the Jewish banking families that control nations by getting the power to issue national currencies, created out of thin air and loaned at interest to governments:
And we know they run psyops as well, so deagle's 'info' (projections given to him) might as well be.
Or made up of whole cloth by Deagel. 'This is gonna happen' isn't nearly as important as the who's-who of doing things.
For that one needs to do the work of following the connections, taking down names, seeing who (and whose tribe) is in positions of influence and power.
Those who do that, are the researchers. The rest is chicken-littleism.
McCullough is a good man, great human being. I deal with him routinely I am going to dig into this James. He is one of the pure people in the mix. You should know the initial COVID push back was started with McCullough, Ladapo, Risch, myself, Urso
The whole cardiologist of the year definitely gave me pause. That kind of award is not given as the mainstream was trying to get his board certification stripped. It didn’t sound reasonable. I am very cautious with most clinicians these days and trust my own judgment on clinical advice.
I also saw red flags when I heard Malone claims to have received injections. Also, he claims to have random public supporters show up at his farm to chat with him. You'd think he'd have to have security saying what he's saying. Also red flags with McCullough saying he received injections. I'm no MD and I and nearly all of my family and friends knew the shots were a fraud as soon as they were announced and we all stopped getting any injections whatsoever.
I feel Malone is a reprehensible fellow for working on the mRNA vaccine technology. He needs to apologize but he hasn't. So who knows what he's got up his sleeve. And people don't call him out. They give him a pass. It's this thing about authority that everyone has - bowing to authority.
Anyone who took the injection is a dick. I don't know how anyone could have fallen for it. We need to totally discredit these people. Because if we don't we'll be playing round the mulberry bush forever. There needs to be accountability for stupidity.
(WARP) (SPEED) = (White Anglo Replacement Program) (Spike Protein Embolic Early Death), look at Denver Airport mural, shows angel of death as a Nazi (medical and judicial facism) with an Islamic sword and Kalashnikov representing terrorism and war, the Nazi is wearing a gas mask representing poisoning,(chemtrails, food contamination, lab viruses etc) a rainbow flag across whole mural representing LGBTQXYZ lifestyles that help reduce population and is being used as another facist tool, and 3rd world migration on the outside representing population replacement. To top it off there is a pale horse statue at entrance representing death from the book of revelation. As I tell people, there is a war, it ain't Russia vs Ukraine, it's your government vs YOU, once you realise this everything changes, look around you everything GOV is now doing is against your interest and wellbeing. What do we do about it?, my solution is perfecting my faith in Jesus, if you don't believe in Jesus, then ask yourself why do these people hate him so much?, why does every Hollywood movie use his name as a curse word?, It's because he is real and he is our weapon of mass destruction against these evil rulers through spiritual intervention, through prayer and fasting we can truly change the world.
A former HAARP source claims there’s an underground “ARK” city below Denver Airport. I haven’t been out West in a long time but the murals you describe may actually have meaning.
Dr. Hill, many readers are aware of the military contractor Deagel's forecast of a huge reduction in human populations by 2025. In 2014 Deagal forecast an 80% decline in America's population. They said America's 2019 population of 332 million would decline to 99 million by 2025. People have questioned how that could possibly happen in such a short time. We may have an explanation. Here's the Deagal data: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/deagelcom-predicts-up-to-80-population
Here's the math.
America has a 70.2% mRNA vax rate. 100 - 70.2% vaxed = 29.8% unvaxed
332m x .298 unvaxed = 99 million survivors. There it is.
Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche has written a book and he explains that mass death is coming from ADE/Immune Escape. Bossche says another virus similar to the first one will appear. The mRNA vaxed population will have no resistance to it. They'll get infected but will show no symptoms. They'll have no inflammatory immune response like mucus or fever. The virus will destroy their bodies quickly.
His book was suddenly taken off Amazon's store. Surprised?
How did Deagal know this in 2014? Because that's when they began testing mRNA on animals and fine tuned the virus. In other words, it appears this was planned and known almost ten years ago.
And there it is!! you are absolutely right! But seeing WW3 at our doorstep and today off the coast of Florida with missiles locked and loaded, I would include the destruction of the U.S. by Nuclear bombs in those numbers . The Vaccine deaths are probably not working fast enough for the New World Order’s liking. And yes ! they are that evil!
Deagle has been discredited, I forget by whom, but anytime anything is discredited now, one has to stop and think.......I know everytime I see an article on their population predictions, I tend to wonder......it is always floating around in my mind somewhere. On the other hand, excess mortality I understand is running only at 20% now....and I cant believe I said Only....what very interesting times (Chinese interpretation of interesting) we live in...but even if deaths level off or go back to normal...I couple this with the fact we are not reproducing enough to replace the population...hence massive illegal immigration....I also wonder about the inherent conflict in these two trends....
I cannot come up with an explanation of the two inherent trends...the drive to reduce the population, but huge entry to replacement mostly males.....running at the same time.
Anyone?? Thess are high level policies that have been enacted....maybe they just want a different, non European population???Whatś the end game?
The angle is that we grow in numbers, and we have become demanding while unrest rises. We (Europe/US) have moved production to the 3rd world, there is an immense workforce in Asia and Africa to be used, resources are mainly in the mentioned continents and in S-America as well. Why would the elite/establishment keep us around? They know that the unrest will grow in a hungry educated population that have lost their faith in the illusion of democracy and political elite
Wiping out 80% of us will be the only way to control it, and they wont hesitate to sacrifice us in a war that we ourselves demand after decades of MSM and political manipulation, actually millennia of manipulation, but thats another story....
I agree with this.....long term. I just don't buy the Daegel figures for 2025, and think there is a strong possibility of these being a red herring to make anyone that points to them look like a crazy conspiracy theorist. Essentially, I agree with you and Duchess.
I think they intend to use those mostly males to kill some more of us, and/or create chaos. They are posting them round the country. I suspect they will arm them when the time comes to quell us. We probably need to - as they do - change a definition or two, like the definition of prepping.
Huh 🤔 I think you’re right about that but I had not considered it?! That would be the New World Order’s line of evil thinking!
However, a whole year later ( now June of 2024) we today have Russian submarines 80 miles off the coast of Florida with missiles locked and loaded, according to War News. I am not sure if this one is nuclear or not?! It very well is likely that it is. God speed
You are Spot on, and in a speech,klause Schwab put China at the head of it, he is in bed with the CCP..A WHISTLE-BLOWER, POSTED A VIDEO A FEW MONTHS AGO, it was a roomful of military,and the head of the CCP was giving a talk, he said that all who are vaxed will die, that after the US military who are injected, and they die ,then the US will no longer be the super power...this mass destruction was to bring down the US and the world, China takeover...He also said the vax is transmitted to others, he said all the vaxed are chipped and all their details are kept in the Cloud, have a Mac address, Bluetooth...he said those who helped push this around the world, will no longer be needed.......when most of us are gone, they will bring in the Chinese , to take over our homes,.......they brought in the vax to get rid of the children, as they would be orphans, left for them to get rid of, they want the dogs,cats,and farm animals gone too..they are truly insane....
Yes! I have thought a long while whether they thought evil of our pesky pets and now I hear just this week that they want us to kill our pets and even eat them!! Now that is truly sick , disturbing and disgusting!
These people are so miserable themselves that they don’t want anyone else to feel any kind of happiness. If you look, most leaders in Europe and the NWO themselves don’t have children or , doubtless any pets . They are pedophiles and child traffickers for the use of sex and for child labor! Why should I have thought any better of them ?! They all work for Satan!
There is something about white Europeans that is quite abhorrent to the cabal, or those part of this. I'm not sure what. But PM Trudeau in Canada has vocally spoke out of his hatred towards specifically white Europeans in Canada. He shocks me the things he says. That he can get a way with this. But yes, for some reason they hate white Europeans, and the white males particularly I think, from my recollections of discourses. Not good to be a white male of European decent with their agenda.
Problem is our Judeo-Christian Mindset. Even if you're not a believer, you believe you have God given personal Rights that no one can take away. We are obstinate about this and will fight them all the way because of it. The Cabal hates ALL Jews & Christians because of it. Many Asians do what they're told as a matter of course. They are trained from an early age to do so for "The Greater Good." [Watch Hot Fuzz]
So basically, the Khazarian mafia who are fake Jews even though they claim to be Jews, and the rest of the cabal are all nazis. I also question this report if it is directed in just the c poked or the population in whole? It doesn’t say specifically and we all know there is shedding that takes place that the not-poked can get sick from. Plus with all the other ways the evil are putting the mRNA in the air, food, livestock, etc., maybe these percentages include us all?
What they don’t like is the ability of us to see them and their evil ways. This won’t do they say. We are superior beings and these white trash do not recognize us or bow down before us. In fact they are carrying pitchforks and coming for us
And prez-elect Biden in a virtual meeting, 12/8/2020, with civil rights leaders, affirming, "By 2040, this country's (US) going to be minority white European" (Time stamp 1:14:40)
Maybe even cruel to publish this info. I’ve read all of this before but never pass it on. I don’t have any friends or family that can afford to pack up all belongings to flee. I’m here with them. Why don’t you send us some Bible verses and prayers instead? This could be more psyop crap. And honestly, we all know that there are things FAR WORSE than death!
And here we are in ‘25 facing self-amplifying jabs and the destruction of food supply, DEW fires, manipulated storms, technocratic-psychos in US capital, AI driven biometric “vaccines” and spider silk floating down from checker board skies all while Trump claims US will “own” Gaza strip for a while. And we’re only 6 weeks in …come soon, Lord, soon 🙏🏼
It’s strange how recent shows/movies are showing a much diversified cast among Euro countries especially the UK even set in a historical setting. They suddenly show black people in medieval or Elizabethan times when we know that wasn’t the case. Like they want to rewrite history or hint that much of the European populations could be replaced.
Actually it's just DEI and wishful thinking, mostly from the ultra-woke BBC channels. As a matter of interest, there were some black/minority people in England in Tudor times, but not in positions of power - they were rarities.
It is a common misconception that few in India took the jab,. Actually 100s of millions took the shot in India, and the consequences there are as stark as they are/will be in the West. Yes, people had more choice (Ivermectin, etc), but in terms of sheer numbers, the consequences will be the same as in Europe or the U.S. So,. classic misdirection by Deagel, methinks, intentional or otherwise.
Europe, Asia, the Americas, a few countries in the African continent, such as Nigeria and South Africa, Oceana, are all bearing the consequences, almost equally. This year will be horrifying for all; worse than last year. Who knows what 2025 will look like. No doubt, the coincidence theorists will continue to enlighten us.
So if Sasha is correct, we don’t know who’s getting what for a given vaccine administration across any region.
Although people are likely dying almost everywhere except Africa, apparently, stats so far say people in Europe and America are most affected. This could change, of course.
And now , 6/24 , a whistleblower from Pfizer is out saying that employees of Pfizer all were given a different and safe shot!! I figured that world leaders and globalist took a different one!
Also the whistleblower came out and said some of the vials glowed?!!! It’s grapheme and gets its glow from fireflies. She didn’t say this but I believe it’s for when they can turn up the 5g and cause a zombie apocalypse!! But why? So they could be fun entertainment to kill?! Probably.
The enemy comes for no other reason than to steal, kill and destroy. He has many human minions and millions of deceptions. The Bible says that billions of people will die in the last days. By war, natural disasters, pestilence (Matthew 24) and Revelation. People just don’t want to believe the warnings, just like the days of Noah. For most it will be too late.
Thank you for this comment! I have been a “ watchman on the wall “ for the end times and we are definitely there now . Thank God we have redemption in Jesus Christ and whether you believe there is a rapture or not, if you are a believer, you will be rescued from this evil in the rapture of the church. And , now that all the signs Jesus gave for His coming have indeed happened, it proves prophecy and His word are true.
Read Matthew 24 and find a good eschatological study of Revelation. Then review the last 4 years - the result of 100+ years of lies and deception - and if your eyes and heart are open you will see 🙏🏼 God bless
CCP behind it ALL - WWIII w/o firing a shot. PPL willingly killing themselves - truly the World has been deceived - End times for many
I don't think it's the CCP, it is the Western Elites. Those controlling Davos. They want us dead and they will be able to control Chinese and Japanese populations more easily than us
WEF, Davos, Soros, Fauci are the frontmen aka useful isiots. Elimination of Western civilizations democracies - where are the "gene therapy" "vaccines" were sold is Goal #1 through ongoing Unrestricted Warfare which has been easily done with a bought narrative through censorship and with massive communist infiltration -big, thick, deep and wide. Money buys all - bribes, blackmail, suicides.
for the bioweapon info: Check out Harvard2thebighouse on twtr
Silent weapons for Quiet Wars, Deborah Tavares
Here’s a thought,
The very naivety of power and bloodlines believe they have the power,
Will and egotistic thought they have the intelligence that their plan will work.
It’s a sad situation humanity has allowed the plan even to happen!
Sadly in parts from the scenarios through their planning has and is in full flow but they’ve severely forgotten the will of the subconscious and conscious mind.
Energies good or bad through meticulous planning don’t always go to the plan that evil has decided and to continue their arrogance shall work and they get away with it.
You don’t Fuck with universal Laws and expect to come out on top.
God did not allow the human race to evolve the way it has for it to be turned into something that’s neither ending up human and un spiritual.
Humanity is on the brink of evolving like never before!
There was never anything new that has come without a fight to establish energies that the flesh of humanity has come to realise their true power is being forced into play before the world’s eyes.
Look beyond the false movie that’s playing out before our eyes and grasp by looking within and allowing the light of our creator to shine through.
It’s within our grasp now.
And change is on its way.
Who wishes to walk in the light of one true energy the Creator!
The CCP is definitely in on all this as are all the "Western Elites". The CCP is the darling of the WEF and cronies. This is a planned planetary genocide. "Population Control" Eugenics.
Agreed about the population control issue. It seems destroying America is on that list also. Viz. Sanctions against Russia make Russia much stronger. Killing Americans and soldiers plus the whole woke debacle. Encouraging children to change genders at a young age in an irreversible surgery. It’s all part of Transhumanistic agenda where we will become robotic sterile slaves. Not to mention the attempts to lower the age of consent…..they are a bunch of evil pedos. Now the question is who is running the show? Is it 8,500 Luciferans? Is it the “Royal” bloodline families? Is it a bunch of greedy pedo megalomaniacs? In some sense it doesn’t matter. We have to drain that whole swamp and not just blame China
Agree 100%.
Very true, klause Schwab placed China at thehead of it, he,the WHO,the wef,the UN, and 170 criminal governments signed up to world reset and mass depopulation...genocide...the Rothschild's are involved,and the Royals, Wil.iam is the head of the 300..and his father and grandfather are in the club...
All too true - and all worth noting as we note the symptoms of this old dying world of authoritarian control.
"Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered."
Thomas Paine - 1776
Getting rid of the riff raff. I guess they shoukd be at the top of the list!
Spot on...
Blood Money, by Peter Schweizer
In his speech in 2019, klause Schwab placed China,the CCP,at the head of it..its the WHO,UN,WEF,BIG PHARMA, PFIZER, and 170 criminal governments that signed up to it...mass depopulation, they had planned it for 2030, but have brought it forward to 2025..absolutely evil...
They are the evil monsters we feared as children. Couldn't fathom is could be a human being. Absolutely disgusting. Severe consequences immediately and seize all assets
The world has definitely been deceived, butI this deception has been going on since the 1800’s, maybe longer.
I believe the CCP are puppets that are answering to the demonic overlords of this whole world, along with most country leaders.
What psychopaths are doing is fulfilling biblical prophecy. I believe time is almost up for all people (jabbed & pure) in the world, according to the book of Revelation time line.
Get ready folks 🙏
I totally agree. We all better be on the narrow path 🥰
Yes, absolutely...this has been planned for decades..
You are spot on, and the head of the CCP has admitted it, that this injection,was brought in to bring down the US, they would no longer be the super power,all the vaxed military would die.....also said,all vaxed are chipped, details kept up in the Cloud, all have a Mac address, Bluetooth.....he said the vax transmits to others.....
yes, we are being exterminated through the vax, shedding, PCR tests, masks, poisoning of our food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, supplements and vitamins also.
How disgusting. It's time they pay their dues
The CCP - the darling of fellow totalitarians at the WEF.
what bullshit are you peddling, where the hell did anyone in the CPC say that??
Freemasons are organizing the culling:
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
Doc’s apology? No way!
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Dominion over US
You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
Thank you Prof....this is an amazing amount of knowledge to share.
Spot on...
I do my best with the information I learn, but much is hidden from all of us.
Figures just out......in 2020 we had just over 8 billion people, we now have 7 billion...
Thank you Jennifer.
Do you have a link?
Did you see this on the UN site?
Thank you.
contact me...I wish to interview you
Hi Paul, I emailed you at sr7283@gmail.com on 10/1.
Looking forward to speaking with you.
Nope. All strings lead to the WEF and it's surroundings.
Yes, but they are the puppets. WEF set up byKissinger. Who is behind them?
Many of us understand the nature of all these tentacles going back to seemingly rather ancient historical roots. I am pretty convinced there has not yet been a civilization in this world - an organized hierarchy of humans structured in a top down fashion - which has offered freedom or justice for very long - if at all. Plus they all fail. To me the evil lives in the masters of the universe who think they run the place. But the agreement to be so led belongs to each of us. And there are always more of us (we the people) than masters of the universe.
Of course there was violence before civilizations but was it as extreme and blood thirsty and on a scale as they offered by civilizations?
Great food for thought. All I know is when ppl get together for and by themselves we are selfless and work for the group and we are beautiful. I have seen it time and time again.
Then there is another example: the CIA saw LSD as a truth serum and a way to nullify leftists. The whole concept of spiritual awakening completely passed them by. As did ppl expressing displeasure about the Vietnam War to the point of getting billy clubbed and being peaceful and thereby gaining support across the whole country. It was the Mother of all Blowbacks. They were worried and have been pushing hard ever since……make students afraid to protest etc.
Agree. Fear is the enemy. Interdependence as human beings the key to success. We have been under assault most of our lives.
That theory about the CCP is supported by data suggesting that genetic engineering in the virus seemingly affecting some racial groups more significantly than others. They did let a virus leak out of a lab, in Wuhan, China, that was genetically modified and the data on death rates tells a story all on its own.
Bear in mind scientists found SARS-Cov-2 in Barcelona wastewater in March 2019, nine months before its discovery in Wuhan.
James, the article mentioned that ‘experts’ urged additional studies in order to preclude ‘false positives’ — a sound methodological refrain which certainly was NOT adhered when people were being tested for COVID-19.
Do you know of any follow up studies on this revelation?
Hi Dr. Matthew,
Thank you for being here.
I don’t know of any such follow-up studies.
Certainly, use of PCR tests with high cycle thresholds (e.g, above 28 cycles) and those without clinical correlation led to many false positives.
FYI not getting all your notices. Currently on a short pd susppension but should still be getting all your tidbits. Upping pd subs to a couple in fire areas who lost homes or were damaged. Yesterday saw a burn video of Altadena🥲. Worked a lot in Altadena over the years. My heart sank. The treasure of Altadena is largely gone. I hate this agenda.
Sorry to hear you’re not getting notices, Bassehound. Shadow banning is so depressing for readers and authors alike.
Yes, it’s awful what happened to Altadena and Pacific Palisades. I grew up near there, and it’s like my childhood has been burned down.
Does the CCP own all the banks and the media and the Corporations? China is a communist country, communism comes from Judaism otherwise known as PhariseeIsm. If you want to know who is behind everything look no further than your Bible. Revelation chapter 2:9
Revelation 2:9 (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 (KJV) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
These are the people who pretend to be Jews, even though they are Luciferians.
They are the ones that own everything, they are the ones that control the kings of the Earth, they are the ones that can be found inRevelation Chapter 17.
The eyes of everyone are blind because they do not know what the word of God plainly reveals.
These people are parasites, they suck the wealth out of nations with their Fiat currencies, and they tax the citizenry into poverty. They pretend to be the bride of Christ, but the woman riding the beast in revelation 17 is no bride, she’s a whore. she’s a false bride.
These people have been kicked out of 109 countries already, and the last country to kick them out, (Germany) went from being an impoverish nation to a World Power almost overnight.
People are starting to figure out that they’ve been lied to and deceived, and it’s always the same people behind all of it, every time.
It’s not the Chinese, they own the Chinese, just like they own the USA, just like they own Vatican City, just like they own Great Britain. They want a one order and they are prepared to kill, steal, and destroy in order to make it happen. Have you ever heard the saying “order out of chaos” - we are about to see the chaos, the people of the world will cry out for a solution, and then they are going to give you one.
Nobody hates Jesus Christ more than the Pharisees… after all, they are the ones who crucified him. Judaism is PHARISEESISM. They don’t follow the Torah, they follow the Babylonian Talmud.
These are the enemies of humanity, these people serve the God of this world, Saturn, Satan, Lucifer…
By the time you guys figure this out, you’re already going to be dead, so you might as well get right with God now.
Thank you, Willliam.
Dr. Hill, I’ve corresponded with you before and I subscribe to your Substack. I’m shocked there were no responses to this article! I just found it. It completely blew my mind! Do you know anything more about this since Dec.? I want to share this with some people.
By the way I agree about Dr. McCullough and the way he characterizes the motivation for mass vax etc. He’s hedging for sure. Early on in a long interview with Tucker Carlson he said there was a sinister plan behind COVID, vax and suppression of early treatment. My guess is there was some backlash from that or he was told he better drop that part of his message or his credibility would be ruined. I think it was on Fox Nation.
How can we get the Deagle info out there?
Hi Hillary,
Thank you for your comment and for being a subscriber.
I haven’t heard anything more about the Deagel report since December. Deagel apparently took down the part of his site that showed expected population reductions in western nations by 2025. Fortunately, Craig Paardekooper kept those pages.
Deagel said he got the info, which he published years ago, from military and intelligence sources.
I agree about Dr. McCullough likely being told to change his message. In his April 2021 interview with Reiner Fuellmich, he called Covid and its response “a bioweapon operation entering the next phase.” Soon after, he apparently stopped saying that.
The message of McCullough, Tucker, and Malone is the pandemic response is “for power and money,” “mistakes were made,” and “some people were overzealous and maybe went a little further than they should have.”
This is like the 9/11 Commission report saying the event happened due to America’s “failure of imagination.”
I think Dr. Yeadon is closer the truth in saying it’s a depopulation bioweapon.
Former Russian Military Intelligence Officer, Vladimir Kvachkov: 'Pandemic' is Planned Depopulation
(He says there is NO pandemic, this is a global strategic special operation, command exercises of the behind-the-scenes powers who want to control humanity. The goal of the behind-the-scenes financial and Zionist powers is depopulation--he says it's their fixed idea, they want 1 billions of ordinary people left to serve about 100 million of them).
And I think what he means by "behind the scenes financial and Zionist powers" are the Jewish banking families that control nations by getting the power to issue national currencies, created out of thin air and loaned at interest to governments:
Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up (audio of book available on earthnewspaper bitchute channel)
John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (his research seems accurate in terms of timing because on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)
And we know they run psyops as well, so deagle's 'info' (projections given to him) might as well be.
Or made up of whole cloth by Deagel. 'This is gonna happen' isn't nearly as important as the who's-who of doing things.
For that one needs to do the work of following the connections, taking down names, seeing who (and whose tribe) is in positions of influence and power.
Those who do that, are the researchers. The rest is chicken-littleism.
Deagel folks, DEAGEL, not Deagle
LOL IWI wondering at sudden uptick in interest....
Do you think Dr. MC Cullough is not genuine? Is he playing both sides or what?
I think he’s genuine and provides lifesaving information.
However, he might have been threatened, at least implicitly, to say we must “forgive” and “give amnesty” to the attackers: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-flip-flops-now
McCullough is a good man, great human being. I deal with him routinely I am going to dig into this James. He is one of the pure people in the mix. You should know the initial COVID push back was started with McCullough, Ladapo, Risch, myself, Urso
Yes, Paul, I’m glad you and the other doctors you mentioned stood up to this.
I’ve been following you all since then and writing on Twitter about it since 2020, except for when Twitter banned me for 14 months for it.
The whole cardiologist of the year definitely gave me pause. That kind of award is not given as the mainstream was trying to get his board certification stripped. It didn’t sound reasonable. I am very cautious with most clinicians these days and trust my own judgment on clinical advice.
I agree fully with Yeadon...it is a binary bioweapon... have training in biowarfare
I also saw red flags when I heard Malone claims to have received injections. Also, he claims to have random public supporters show up at his farm to chat with him. You'd think he'd have to have security saying what he's saying. Also red flags with McCullough saying he received injections. I'm no MD and I and nearly all of my family and friends knew the shots were a fraud as soon as they were announced and we all stopped getting any injections whatsoever.
I'm pretty sure McCullough never got it. He always said he would wait and see and you didnt need if you had natural immunity.
Also, it's very obvious Malone worships academia, which might make him one of the dumb smart people
I feel Malone is a reprehensible fellow for working on the mRNA vaccine technology. He needs to apologize but he hasn't. So who knows what he's got up his sleeve. And people don't call him out. They give him a pass. It's this thing about authority that everyone has - bowing to authority.
Here's a piece Diana West did on Malone--definitely worth a read IMO. She pretty much calls him out as controlled opposition.
Wish I could read that Diana West article. Looks like her website is down or blocked.
see these by me
I kinda wonder about Kirsch receiving injections as well.
Anyone who took the injection is a dick. I don't know how anyone could have fallen for it. We need to totally discredit these people. Because if we don't we'll be playing round the mulberry bush forever. There needs to be accountability for stupidity.
(WARP) (SPEED) = (White Anglo Replacement Program) (Spike Protein Embolic Early Death), look at Denver Airport mural, shows angel of death as a Nazi (medical and judicial facism) with an Islamic sword and Kalashnikov representing terrorism and war, the Nazi is wearing a gas mask representing poisoning,(chemtrails, food contamination, lab viruses etc) a rainbow flag across whole mural representing LGBTQXYZ lifestyles that help reduce population and is being used as another facist tool, and 3rd world migration on the outside representing population replacement. To top it off there is a pale horse statue at entrance representing death from the book of revelation. As I tell people, there is a war, it ain't Russia vs Ukraine, it's your government vs YOU, once you realise this everything changes, look around you everything GOV is now doing is against your interest and wellbeing. What do we do about it?, my solution is perfecting my faith in Jesus, if you don't believe in Jesus, then ask yourself why do these people hate him so much?, why does every Hollywood movie use his name as a curse word?, It's because he is real and he is our weapon of mass destruction against these evil rulers through spiritual intervention, through prayer and fasting we can truly change the world.
A former HAARP source claims there’s an underground “ARK” city below Denver Airport. I haven’t been out West in a long time but the murals you describe may actually have meaning.
Amen, and he's coming.
Dr. Hill, many readers are aware of the military contractor Deagel's forecast of a huge reduction in human populations by 2025. In 2014 Deagal forecast an 80% decline in America's population. They said America's 2019 population of 332 million would decline to 99 million by 2025. People have questioned how that could possibly happen in such a short time. We may have an explanation. Here's the Deagal data: https://hillmd.substack.com/p/deagelcom-predicts-up-to-80-population
Here's the math.
America has a 70.2% mRNA vax rate. 100 - 70.2% vaxed = 29.8% unvaxed
332m x .298 unvaxed = 99 million survivors. There it is.
Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche has written a book and he explains that mass death is coming from ADE/Immune Escape. Bossche says another virus similar to the first one will appear. The mRNA vaxed population will have no resistance to it. They'll get infected but will show no symptoms. They'll have no inflammatory immune response like mucus or fever. The virus will destroy their bodies quickly.
His book was suddenly taken off Amazon's store. Surprised?
The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic
How did Deagal know this in 2014? Because that's when they began testing mRNA on animals and fine tuned the virus. In other words, it appears this was planned and known almost ten years ago.
And there it is!! you are absolutely right! But seeing WW3 at our doorstep and today off the coast of Florida with missiles locked and loaded, I would include the destruction of the U.S. by Nuclear bombs in those numbers . The Vaccine deaths are probably not working fast enough for the New World Order’s liking. And yes ! they are that evil!
Deagle has been discredited, I forget by whom, but anytime anything is discredited now, one has to stop and think.......I know everytime I see an article on their population predictions, I tend to wonder......it is always floating around in my mind somewhere. On the other hand, excess mortality I understand is running only at 20% now....and I cant believe I said Only....what very interesting times (Chinese interpretation of interesting) we live in...but even if deaths level off or go back to normal...I couple this with the fact we are not reproducing enough to replace the population...hence massive illegal immigration....I also wonder about the inherent conflict in these two trends....
I cannot come up with an explanation of the two inherent trends...the drive to reduce the population, but huge entry to replacement mostly males.....running at the same time.
Anyone?? Thess are high level policies that have been enacted....maybe they just want a different, non European population???Whatś the end game?
The angle is that we grow in numbers, and we have become demanding while unrest rises. We (Europe/US) have moved production to the 3rd world, there is an immense workforce in Asia and Africa to be used, resources are mainly in the mentioned continents and in S-America as well. Why would the elite/establishment keep us around? They know that the unrest will grow in a hungry educated population that have lost their faith in the illusion of democracy and political elite
Wiping out 80% of us will be the only way to control it, and they wont hesitate to sacrifice us in a war that we ourselves demand after decades of MSM and political manipulation, actually millennia of manipulation, but thats another story....
I agree with this.....long term. I just don't buy the Daegel figures for 2025, and think there is a strong possibility of these being a red herring to make anyone that points to them look like a crazy conspiracy theorist. Essentially, I agree with you and Duchess.
I think they intend to use those mostly males to kill some more of us, and/or create chaos. They are posting them round the country. I suspect they will arm them when the time comes to quell us. We probably need to - as they do - change a definition or two, like the definition of prepping.
I'm getting just a little bit tired of Kabbalah crap.
Kabbalists like Bezos Biden Clinton Dorsey Fauci Gates Hillary Macron Merkel 0bama Pelosi Podesta Schwab Trudeau? Oh wait...
The kind of tikkun olam practiced by Bezos Biden Clinton Dorsey Fauci Gates Hillary Macron Merkel 0bama Pelosi Podesta Schwab Trudeau? Oh wait...
The reason it's the European Countries and the USA is because White's don't make good Slaves. And they know it.
Huh 🤔 I think you’re right about that but I had not considered it?! That would be the New World Order’s line of evil thinking!
However, a whole year later ( now June of 2024) we today have Russian submarines 80 miles off the coast of Florida with missiles locked and loaded, according to War News. I am not sure if this one is nuclear or not?! It very well is likely that it is. God speed
You are Spot on, and in a speech,klause Schwab put China at the head of it, he is in bed with the CCP..A WHISTLE-BLOWER, POSTED A VIDEO A FEW MONTHS AGO, it was a roomful of military,and the head of the CCP was giving a talk, he said that all who are vaxed will die, that after the US military who are injected, and they die ,then the US will no longer be the super power...this mass destruction was to bring down the US and the world, China takeover...He also said the vax is transmitted to others, he said all the vaxed are chipped and all their details are kept in the Cloud, have a Mac address, Bluetooth...he said those who helped push this around the world, will no longer be needed.......when most of us are gone, they will bring in the Chinese , to take over our homes,.......they brought in the vax to get rid of the children, as they would be orphans, left for them to get rid of, they want the dogs,cats,and farm animals gone too..they are truly insane....
Yes! I have thought a long while whether they thought evil of our pesky pets and now I hear just this week that they want us to kill our pets and even eat them!! Now that is truly sick , disturbing and disgusting!
These people are so miserable themselves that they don’t want anyone else to feel any kind of happiness. If you look, most leaders in Europe and the NWO themselves don’t have children or , doubtless any pets . They are pedophiles and child traffickers for the use of sex and for child labor! Why should I have thought any better of them ?! They all work for Satan!
There is something about white Europeans that is quite abhorrent to the cabal, or those part of this. I'm not sure what. But PM Trudeau in Canada has vocally spoke out of his hatred towards specifically white Europeans in Canada. He shocks me the things he says. That he can get a way with this. But yes, for some reason they hate white Europeans, and the white males particularly I think, from my recollections of discourses. Not good to be a white male of European decent with their agenda.
Problem is our Judeo-Christian Mindset. Even if you're not a believer, you believe you have God given personal Rights that no one can take away. We are obstinate about this and will fight them all the way because of it. The Cabal hates ALL Jews & Christians because of it. Many Asians do what they're told as a matter of course. They are trained from an early age to do so for "The Greater Good." [Watch Hot Fuzz]
So basically, the Khazarian mafia who are fake Jews even though they claim to be Jews, and the rest of the cabal are all nazis. I also question this report if it is directed in just the c poked or the population in whole? It doesn’t say specifically and we all know there is shedding that takes place that the not-poked can get sick from. Plus with all the other ways the evil are putting the mRNA in the air, food, livestock, etc., maybe these percentages include us all?
Khazarians like Bezos Biden Clinton Dorsey Fauci Gates Hillary Macron Merkel 0bama Pelosi Podesta Schwab Trudeau? Oh wait...
What they don’t like is the ability of us to see them and their evil ways. This won’t do they say. We are superior beings and these white trash do not recognize us or bow down before us. In fact they are carrying pitchforks and coming for us
And prez-elect Biden in a virtual meeting, 12/8/2020, with civil rights leaders, affirming, "By 2040, this country's (US) going to be minority white European" (Time stamp 1:14:40)
It could be the lack of luckier in their hearts they don't like.
This is reminding me of Jim Jones. Was his a "dry run?" Or did they have this planned long before his Cult Killing Scam?
That is what globalist are shooting for
Maybe even cruel to publish this info. I’ve read all of this before but never pass it on. I don’t have any friends or family that can afford to pack up all belongings to flee. I’m here with them. Why don’t you send us some Bible verses and prayers instead? This could be more psyop crap. And honestly, we all know that there are things FAR WORSE than death!
I’m staying too, along with family and friends.
Thought it would be better to publish others’ findings than not.
Two words, seal judgments. This is not the end but a precursor and hopefully a wake up call
This did not age well.
Still have a year to go, and let’s hope these predictions don’t come true.
And here we are in ‘25 facing self-amplifying jabs and the destruction of food supply, DEW fires, manipulated storms, technocratic-psychos in US capital, AI driven biometric “vaccines” and spider silk floating down from checker board skies all while Trump claims US will “own” Gaza strip for a while. And we’re only 6 weeks in …come soon, Lord, soon 🙏🏼
It’s strange how recent shows/movies are showing a much diversified cast among Euro countries especially the UK even set in a historical setting. They suddenly show black people in medieval or Elizabethan times when we know that wasn’t the case. Like they want to rewrite history or hint that much of the European populations could be replaced.
Actually it's just DEI and wishful thinking, mostly from the ultra-woke BBC channels. As a matter of interest, there were some black/minority people in England in Tudor times, but not in positions of power - they were rarities.
Hii all,
It is a common misconception that few in India took the jab,. Actually 100s of millions took the shot in India, and the consequences there are as stark as they are/will be in the West. Yes, people had more choice (Ivermectin, etc), but in terms of sheer numbers, the consequences will be the same as in Europe or the U.S. So,. classic misdirection by Deagel, methinks, intentional or otherwise.
Europe, Asia, the Americas, a few countries in the African continent, such as Nigeria and South Africa, Oceana, are all bearing the consequences, almost equally. This year will be horrifying for all; worse than last year. Who knows what 2025 will look like. No doubt, the coincidence theorists will continue to enlighten us.
Thank you, San.
A major issue is the vials don’t have uniform or reliable manufacturing, according to Sasha Latypova.
And they don’t have serial numbers. This makes traceability impossible.
So if Sasha is correct, we don’t know who’s getting what for a given vaccine administration across any region.
Although people are likely dying almost everywhere except Africa, apparently, stats so far say people in Europe and America are most affected. This could change, of course.
Thanks for your reply and links, really appreciated. I wasn't aware about the issue with serial numbers. Stranger and stranger..
I think there are batch numbers. Go to
And now , 6/24 , a whistleblower from Pfizer is out saying that employees of Pfizer all were given a different and safe shot!! I figured that world leaders and globalist took a different one!
Also the whistleblower came out and said some of the vials glowed?!!! It’s grapheme and gets its glow from fireflies. She didn’t say this but I believe it’s for when they can turn up the 5g and cause a zombie apocalypse!! But why? So they could be fun entertainment to kill?! Probably.
This is just unbelievable and frightening. Pure evil!
The enemy comes for no other reason than to steal, kill and destroy. He has many human minions and millions of deceptions. The Bible says that billions of people will die in the last days. By war, natural disasters, pestilence (Matthew 24) and Revelation. People just don’t want to believe the warnings, just like the days of Noah. For most it will be too late.
Thank you for this comment! I have been a “ watchman on the wall “ for the end times and we are definitely there now . Thank God we have redemption in Jesus Christ and whether you believe there is a rapture or not, if you are a believer, you will be rescued from this evil in the rapture of the church. And , now that all the signs Jesus gave for His coming have indeed happened, it proves prophecy and His word are true.
what signs?
Read Matthew 24 and find a good eschatological study of Revelation. Then review the last 4 years - the result of 100+ years of lies and deception - and if your eyes and heart are open you will see 🙏🏼 God bless