Dr. Makary falsely attributes leaders’ demands for potentially harmful Covid jabs to “absolutism,” “paternalism,” and need for “more humility.”
Fox News tells you bribed leaders just need to be more humble, hoping you won’t see a vicious agenda involving death, disability, and infertility of Europeans and Americans (Updated 7/16/22)
In the video below, Dr. Marty Makary describes to Tucker Carlson the problem of NIH, CDC, and FDA recommending Covid vaccines for children based on poor to absent safety and efficacy data, and of those agencies silencing scientists and physicians who wish to speak out against this “horror show.”
Yet Makary says (around 4:30) the solution is just for leaders “to have more humility, less absolutism, more answers like ‘we don't know’ when that's the right answer, and less paternalism.”

In other words, leaders who cruelly mandate vaccines, lockdowns, and harmful masks are simply bumblers who just need to be a bit more humble, perhaps by self-reflection or saying a little prayer.
So you can go back to sleep now, according to these guys.
Fox News is controlled opposition, concealing the Covid bioweapon operation by acting as a limited hangout, giving you some truth mixed with lies about, among other things, innocent motives by perpetrators.
They do this also by promoting the idea the Covid pandemic resulted from an accidental lab “leak” of the virus instead of a deliberate release (see here, here, here, and here).
Tucker Carlson (video above):
The numbers behind [childhood vaccine trials] don't sound like the basis for recommendation for universal toddler vaccination.
Dr. Makary:
That's exactly right, Tucker. It wouldn't even get published in a medical journal with peer review.
It wouldn’t go through the process. It would get rejected.
Now doctors everywhere in the world, even in the government, should always be free to speak up about their public health concerns.
That is a sacred right that we have to guard, but right now in the government recently — and this is a trend in the last year — doctors are muzzled.
I've met talked to many doctors for this piece at NIH and CDC who are extremely frustrated. They're smart people.
They know that a vaccine efficacy of 4% doesn't warrant an authorization.
They also know there's no health emergency right now among kids six months of age.
So I learned a lot. They know the underlying data. They know it's inappropriate.
They're not allowed to speak to anyone.
If a reporter calls, the communications office has to approve the conversation.
And if they want to ask the scientists whether or not they want to do this, they'll say, tell us what you're going to tell the reporter, and then we'll decide whether or not to approve it.
At the CDC, a bunch of scientists actually said, look, we recognize the insanity of mass testing, trying to chase down every case of the virus in the United States. It's ubiquitous now. It's not contained.
So they came up with a plan to use sampling data like we do with influenza every year and to get better numbers from the hospital of those truly in there for COVID, not just everybody with incidental COVID tests.
And that plan was proposed, and it was rejected. And they say it was rejected by the White House, over and over in the different agencies.
I heard from smart people who were just extremely frustrated that not only are they bypassing the normal scientific process, but they really can't say anything because if they do, they know that their jobs are at risk, and they will be treated very differently.
One person even said there's no transparency as to how Dr. Fauci makes his decisions. He doesn't even consult with the real experts.
And other people have said other things like it's demoralizing.
One person at the FDA who knows the data really well said that they feel that they're watching a horror show and they can't close their eyes. They're being forced to watch this.
If public health wants to restore some credibility — and there's good people in public health, they've been sidelined — the leaders have to have more humility, less absolutism, more answers like “we don't know” when that's the right answer, and less paternalism.
That's the only way we're going to rebuild trust in the medical profession and in public health.
" The pandemic simulation Event 201 was arranged by the John Hopkins University founded by Daniel Coit Gilman, a Skull and Bones member"
So their damn jobs are at risk while people, especially children die. What these cowards need to do is group together. They cannot censor a large enough group. Losing their cushy job is just a flimsy excuse to live a quiet life. Fuckem!