Dr. Hill, these are some pretty disturbing assertions/assumptions you are making. Have you contacted Dr. Zelenko to discuss this with him? I am a fan of your work but I think out of respect for all Dr. Zelenko has contributed to this whole COVID debacle, he deserves an opportunity to address what you are saying.
I make no assumptions or independent assertions but base all statements on writings and talks by Dr. Zelenko, rabbis, and other leaders.
I acknowledge Dr. Zelenko’s and Dr. Malone’s great contributions in combatting Covid tyranny and protecting children from dangers of current policies. Their impacts have been enormously beneficial.
I’m attempting to point out dangers in both doctors’ narratives, however, that could result in more suffering and death.
I welcome Dr. Zelenko to reach out to me at hillmd@substack.com. We can have a video podcast or any other type of discussion on the subject.
I have not contacted him because he is very busy and battling illness.
Also, the fora on which he appears — like Alex Jones, Mel K, Dr. Drew, Stew Peters, and Maria Zeee — are all apparently sympathetic to Noahide laws, some even wildly enthusiastic about them.
I don’t know if he’d be willing to speak with someone who sees grave danger in these laws, as I do.
so NO Dr hill, its not up to Dr Zelenko who was terminally ill and now DEAD to "reach out to YOU" as you claimed. It was up to YOU to contact Dr Zelenko BEFORE you wrote such defamatory statements. I just got linked to your sub stack again by some ANTI SEMETIC People who I am no longer FB friends with who PROMOTE anti semitic beliefs and claims. I am going to report this post. Ive had it.
As mentioned in the reply, Dr. Zelenko was ill and busy at the time, so I would not think of bothering him.
I acknowledge the great things Dr. Zelenko did and am saddened by his death.
All statements in the post are by rabbis and others explaining or promoting Noahide laws. The video was compiled by Elizabeth Glass. They are definitely not antisemitic.
If you see an incorrect interpretation by one of these teachers, please point it out.
I am sorry some of your FB friends hold wrong views, but that issue is unrelated to this.
Dr hill it’s clear you opened up a huge can of worms and not by sharing information that’s balanced. And you’ve not recognized that even after those of us who are Jewish but anti Israeli govt as well as anti Palestinian Occupation have confronted you about your post. This is sad and unfortunate. Take care.
Once again , using what .1 % of a population ( Jewish Americans or Jews across the world ) that represents less than 1% of an ENTIRE countries population believes or supports is disgusting and absolutely unfair. The Orthodox community leaders or community members who support or believe this garbage doesn’t represent most of us Jewish people. Ajd to put that on me or any other Jewish person after being informed of that fact is at best ignorant. And at worst anti semetic. It’s like hating all Muslims and calling them all terrorists because of things said in the Koran. I wonder what you really say in private chats where other people are whipping around the term Jew in a derogatory sense. I won’t be responding again to you
You are very confused Dr zelenko and Jewish law does not say you should decapitate or kill Christians because they believe in Jesus.
according to Jewish law death penalty can only come with a Sanherin of 71 in Jerusalem.
and if you study the oral Torah, the Sanherrin very rarely put anyone to death.
what doctors Zelenko wants to do, is have the world accept the 7 Noahide laws given to Noah for ALL mankind, and the globalist scumbags who worship Lucifer, and violate pretty much most of the seven laws including stealing and murder, should be dealt with, with a Sanhedrin.
Yes people like Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Big Phrama war criminals, and globalist financers, should all have to pay for the crimes they have done to humanity.
We need 2 things for that.
the world accepts the seven Noahide laws
the Jewish nation sets up a qualified Sanhedrin international Court to deal with all these war criminals Amalekim.
They would certainly not harm Christians or other god-fearing people, who live peacefully with other human beings.
To clarify, my articles on Dr. Zelenko and these laws don’t mention Christianity or Christians as victims of the laws. Perhaps you’re referring to a person speaking in Ms. Glass’s video.
What happens to people who don’t believe in God or follow all sublaws of the 7 main Noahide laws?
They only answer to God. The commentary of the death penalty at all was that a Sanhedrin that puts to death a man once in 70 years is considered a bloody Sanhedrin. All these laws are only enforced if there is a Sanhedrin . To move forward with death penalty there needs to be two separate witnesses and a warning to the person (that if they do whatever it is that is deserving of death penalty ) “if you do that , there is a death penalty” the Sanhedrin does not exist and has not existed except for short periods of time. The purpose of observing Noa hide laws is that is what God gave to the world as basic morality
belatedly seein' this--yer correct... religious jews do not go out cuttin' off heads or usin' guillotines (another faith likes that "m.o." but that's an'uther topic for an'uther time)
Zelenko--who had death threats for speakin' out--helped many non-Jews an' risked his life to do so. Ms Glass who seems ta think joos'll come out of the woodwork an' kill all Christians once (if?) the messiah comes has a few screws loose if she believes this (she's entitled). Ironically she likely doesn't know that another whistleblower honored on her Telegram, Rosa Koire, was jewish (both sides) an' may have died "mysteriously" for speakin' out. Here are the 7 noahide laws everybuddy's in a tizzy about:
These Laws have been traditionally enumerated as follows:
1. Do not deny God.
2. Do not blaspheme God.
3. Do not murder.
4. Do not engage in sexual immorality, bestiality or homosexual relations.
5. Do not steal.
6. Do not eat flesh taken from a living animal (that is with its life-blood still in it).
7. Establish courts and a legal system to uphold these laws.
What happens to people who do not believe in God or follow all the sublaws? NOTHING. Don't take my word for it but nothing.
Hate/dislike/revile who ya like but no way on Earth will "chews" of any stripe (orthodox, reform, conservative) take to the streets to kill Christians nor are joos told to do anything other than "love thy neighbor"-- there are some stray "kooks" in all faiths (Jewish too!) whose words have been spread around the innertubes like so much manure--all I can say is that there's a lotta accusations that got folks all up in arms to fear a group that won't do 'em harm. Jus' sayin'.... (as a long-belated comment havin' stumbled here by chance)
Not just wrong, unhinged IF the translations are correct--they may not be. IF the man speaking is the one in the photo--that too may not be. It's all a "mock up" -- pasted voice, pasted image (not even a photo). Funky for sure, an outlier.
BUT...even if some unhinged old zealot got recorded, this is not how most congregations or rabbis think. FWIW--Nohide laws “harken back” to Genesis but only the first 7 of them; the others are “Talmudic” (Talmud is not law, it's discussion of law--many things contradict in Talmud, it's like an op-ed piece book) and they come MUCH later--i.e. all after the basic 7 (1200 ad to about 1990 ad) and are very much contended even among the Orthodox (most of whom would never behead anything but a dinner chicken). I'm not so sure even this clearly unhinged rabbi (there are some indeed!--just like unhinged preachers)... would find ANYONE to act on his literal interpretation as most do NOT take this at face value--and again, the 7 laws are the only legit ones. The rest is conjecture, opinion, not law (the 7 I shared)
Maimonides was one who argued against misinterpreting the beheading thing--he did not feel that Christians were idol worshippers and only in theory contemplated that they "might" convert to Judaism—not be beheaded. So at the end of this rabbi (?)'s speech--he misquotes Maimonides... UNLESS it's mistranslated.
Also, much that is written isn't literal. "I'm 'a gonna kill you" doesn't mean that. If you look at the entire history of Judaism—nobody does beheadings of Christians... or of anyone. We leave that to some of the "noble faith" and of course the Jacobins.
So if it's any kind of threat it's idle.
Talmud is not timeless--much outdated stuff in there--what was true in 1200 isn't current--even for the ultra orthodox.
Also, this "spiel" is all seems very "sus"--Conquering Iraq? Turkey? Waging war?
Who? How? The secular IDF isn't gonna do this. The Orthodox in black "dresses" are gonna start chopping heads? Not. The Orthodox don't even have to fight at all--they are nerdy scholars. The pick up pens. The may yell, argue. No way is this a real threat (believe what'cha like).
Jews are not conquerors, never have been--no crusades--they are defending Israel quite brutally (fwiw I don't approve of HOW but I'd like to not see it sink into the sea either--long story) BUT this all seems to be a strange unhinged embellishment and the photo isn't even real (a painting?) and this "embelishment" doesn't represent most Orthodox or most Jews. All about this is highly suspect and believe whatever ya like--Jews are not going to behead Christians or anyone else.
As for the list again yer takin' stuff waaaay too literally. Pineapple Princess Martha (not a "chew") doesn't literally mean to decapitate anyone, Naomi Wolf, really? This is all a constructed fiction. All here can believe it, I wouldn't stop anyone--but I would say that the average Joe might do better hidin' from the soon-to-be-armed MyGrunts than worry about old men in robes and tallis'es beheadin' 'em.
There are a lot of unhinged folks out there--some representin' us all in DC. hth, my 2 cents onnit
my pleasure! I pray to God that no harm comes to ANY of us tryin' ta seek truth an' do good in this now-wacky world--an' that somehow, some way, we "human beans" will all prevail against those in power who wanna cull us regardless of faith or even those of no faith (an' pit us against each other when we need ta all stand strong against tyranny)
I'm not sure about those therapies actually working.
Have you been able to see anything real, or is this like the promise of COVID mRNA tech, which turned out to be a lie. I'm not confident in pharma anymore, seeing how our own regulatory agencies let a lot of bad drugs through, only to recall them years later.
I'll believe it when I see it working. I'm not against this tech, but I really don't like the direction that they are going.
Yes and one of Australias most prominent so called Alternative Media reporters has been promoting his products with her affiliate link to his website with free downloads to his books on Kabballah and the Noahide Laws. She just stood on stage with the Reawaken tour that supports Trump as well.
I guess it's been a year since this article that I'm just seeing. How has the passage of time served to mend the confusion on this? I still have questions. His last words were "let the culling begin" Why would I want to take religious instruction from someone who chose to depart with such focus? Was he referring to [redacted]? or [non redacted]? or was he talking about animals? Or non human primates? That would make me feel so much better.
So the only "source" that Elizabeth Glass offers to back up her claims...is a video from former Rocker and Australian idol contestant Altiyan Childs...!!!
The sources that you have cited here in this blog - particularly the 4th link - show the process of executing someone for violating the Noahide laws isn't as clear cut as you make out to be and it seems that discretion is given to gentile courts when putting someone on trial for violating these laws. None of your own sources have actually proven that Christians should be executed and i am yet to see a single source that advocates the execution of Christians. On the contrary, in the Mishneh Torah, Maimondes recognises Christianity (along side Islam) as a Noahide faith and one that is instrumental in spreading the Noahide laws.
Not only is the Noahide laws against idolatry not referring to Christian- it generally refers to nations who sacrificed their children to idols like Moloch and during Biblical times the Nation of Israel was in constant war with these nations.
Much context is needed here (which seems to be lacking )
Please note I don’t mention Christians as victims in any article about Dr. Zelenko or these laws.
It seems horrifying that most major religious groups and political bodies in the world evidently agree that all of humanity must be subservient to a group, “believe” in a particular god, recognize the group as “god’s favorite,” and be killed for not following their precepts according to the Noahide laws, if what rabbis are saying is correct.
That some groups argue about whom to behead, and when, is not necessarily comforting to potential targets.
___s are commanded to deceive the gentiles and are even commanded to kill “even the best of the gentiles”. We Gentiles are not even human according to their Talmud. Better to deal with Covid tyranny because Noahide is certain death for most but both are run by the same people, Zelenko Soviet-Commies and his Zionist cousins on the Covid side.
Dr. Hill, these are some pretty disturbing assertions/assumptions you are making. Have you contacted Dr. Zelenko to discuss this with him? I am a fan of your work but I think out of respect for all Dr. Zelenko has contributed to this whole COVID debacle, he deserves an opportunity to address what you are saying.
Hi Hillary,
Thank you for your comment.
I make no assumptions or independent assertions but base all statements on writings and talks by Dr. Zelenko, rabbis, and other leaders.
I acknowledge Dr. Zelenko’s and Dr. Malone’s great contributions in combatting Covid tyranny and protecting children from dangers of current policies. Their impacts have been enormously beneficial.
I’m attempting to point out dangers in both doctors’ narratives, however, that could result in more suffering and death.
I welcome Dr. Zelenko to reach out to me at hillmd@substack.com. We can have a video podcast or any other type of discussion on the subject.
I have not contacted him because he is very busy and battling illness.
Also, the fora on which he appears — like Alex Jones, Mel K, Dr. Drew, Stew Peters, and Maria Zeee — are all apparently sympathetic to Noahide laws, some even wildly enthusiastic about them.
I don’t know if he’d be willing to speak with someone who sees grave danger in these laws, as I do.
so NO Dr hill, its not up to Dr Zelenko who was terminally ill and now DEAD to "reach out to YOU" as you claimed. It was up to YOU to contact Dr Zelenko BEFORE you wrote such defamatory statements. I just got linked to your sub stack again by some ANTI SEMETIC People who I am no longer FB friends with who PROMOTE anti semitic beliefs and claims. I am going to report this post. Ive had it.
Hello Jane,
As mentioned in the reply, Dr. Zelenko was ill and busy at the time, so I would not think of bothering him.
I acknowledge the great things Dr. Zelenko did and am saddened by his death.
All statements in the post are by rabbis and others explaining or promoting Noahide laws. The video was compiled by Elizabeth Glass. They are definitely not antisemitic.
If you see an incorrect interpretation by one of these teachers, please point it out.
I am sorry some of your FB friends hold wrong views, but that issue is unrelated to this.
Dr hill it’s clear you opened up a huge can of worms and not by sharing information that’s balanced. And you’ve not recognized that even after those of us who are Jewish but anti Israeli govt as well as anti Palestinian Occupation have confronted you about your post. This is sad and unfortunate. Take care.
who else is done with EVERYONES continuing racial bullshit...??? All these prissy, hypersensitive people are mentally i'll in my book
Once again , using what .1 % of a population ( Jewish Americans or Jews across the world ) that represents less than 1% of an ENTIRE countries population believes or supports is disgusting and absolutely unfair. The Orthodox community leaders or community members who support or believe this garbage doesn’t represent most of us Jewish people. Ajd to put that on me or any other Jewish person after being informed of that fact is at best ignorant. And at worst anti semetic. It’s like hating all Muslims and calling them all terrorists because of things said in the Koran. I wonder what you really say in private chats where other people are whipping around the term Jew in a derogatory sense. I won’t be responding again to you
do you think all the US presidents supporting nnoahide law knew what they were doing?
Are you nuts???? His own Words weren't ENOUGH FOR YOU?????
Good link. Thank you, Fleur.
You are very confused Dr zelenko and Jewish law does not say you should decapitate or kill Christians because they believe in Jesus.
according to Jewish law death penalty can only come with a Sanherin of 71 in Jerusalem.
and if you study the oral Torah, the Sanherrin very rarely put anyone to death.
what doctors Zelenko wants to do, is have the world accept the 7 Noahide laws given to Noah for ALL mankind, and the globalist scumbags who worship Lucifer, and violate pretty much most of the seven laws including stealing and murder, should be dealt with, with a Sanhedrin.
Yes people like Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Big Phrama war criminals, and globalist financers, should all have to pay for the crimes they have done to humanity.
We need 2 things for that.
the world accepts the seven Noahide laws
the Jewish nation sets up a qualified Sanhedrin international Court to deal with all these war criminals Amalekim.
They would certainly not harm Christians or other god-fearing people, who live peacefully with other human beings.
Hello Sam, thank you for this.
To clarify, my articles on Dr. Zelenko and these laws don’t mention Christianity or Christians as victims of the laws. Perhaps you’re referring to a person speaking in Ms. Glass’s video.
What happens to people who don’t believe in God or follow all sublaws of the 7 main Noahide laws?
They only answer to God. The commentary of the death penalty at all was that a Sanhedrin that puts to death a man once in 70 years is considered a bloody Sanhedrin. All these laws are only enforced if there is a Sanhedrin . To move forward with death penalty there needs to be two separate witnesses and a warning to the person (that if they do whatever it is that is deserving of death penalty ) “if you do that , there is a death penalty” the Sanhedrin does not exist and has not existed except for short periods of time. The purpose of observing Noa hide laws is that is what God gave to the world as basic morality
belatedly seein' this--yer correct... religious jews do not go out cuttin' off heads or usin' guillotines (another faith likes that "m.o." but that's an'uther topic for an'uther time)
Zelenko--who had death threats for speakin' out--helped many non-Jews an' risked his life to do so. Ms Glass who seems ta think joos'll come out of the woodwork an' kill all Christians once (if?) the messiah comes has a few screws loose if she believes this (she's entitled). Ironically she likely doesn't know that another whistleblower honored on her Telegram, Rosa Koire, was jewish (both sides) an' may have died "mysteriously" for speakin' out. Here are the 7 noahide laws everybuddy's in a tizzy about:
These Laws have been traditionally enumerated as follows:
1. Do not deny God.
2. Do not blaspheme God.
3. Do not murder.
4. Do not engage in sexual immorality, bestiality or homosexual relations.
5. Do not steal.
6. Do not eat flesh taken from a living animal (that is with its life-blood still in it).
7. Establish courts and a legal system to uphold these laws.
What happens to people who do not believe in God or follow all the sublaws? NOTHING. Don't take my word for it but nothing.
Hate/dislike/revile who ya like but no way on Earth will "chews" of any stripe (orthodox, reform, conservative) take to the streets to kill Christians nor are joos told to do anything other than "love thy neighbor"-- there are some stray "kooks" in all faiths (Jewish too!) whose words have been spread around the innertubes like so much manure--all I can say is that there's a lotta accusations that got folks all up in arms to fear a group that won't do 'em harm. Jus' sayin'.... (as a long-belated comment havin' stumbled here by chance)
Thank you for your comment.
So you’re saying the rabbi in this video is wrong?:
Not just wrong, unhinged IF the translations are correct--they may not be. IF the man speaking is the one in the photo--that too may not be. It's all a "mock up" -- pasted voice, pasted image (not even a photo). Funky for sure, an outlier.
BUT...even if some unhinged old zealot got recorded, this is not how most congregations or rabbis think. FWIW--Nohide laws “harken back” to Genesis but only the first 7 of them; the others are “Talmudic” (Talmud is not law, it's discussion of law--many things contradict in Talmud, it's like an op-ed piece book) and they come MUCH later--i.e. all after the basic 7 (1200 ad to about 1990 ad) and are very much contended even among the Orthodox (most of whom would never behead anything but a dinner chicken). I'm not so sure even this clearly unhinged rabbi (there are some indeed!--just like unhinged preachers)... would find ANYONE to act on his literal interpretation as most do NOT take this at face value--and again, the 7 laws are the only legit ones. The rest is conjecture, opinion, not law (the 7 I shared)
Maimonides was one who argued against misinterpreting the beheading thing--he did not feel that Christians were idol worshippers and only in theory contemplated that they "might" convert to Judaism—not be beheaded. So at the end of this rabbi (?)'s speech--he misquotes Maimonides... UNLESS it's mistranslated.
Also, much that is written isn't literal. "I'm 'a gonna kill you" doesn't mean that. If you look at the entire history of Judaism—nobody does beheadings of Christians... or of anyone. We leave that to some of the "noble faith" and of course the Jacobins.
So if it's any kind of threat it's idle.
Talmud is not timeless--much outdated stuff in there--what was true in 1200 isn't current--even for the ultra orthodox.
Also, this "spiel" is all seems very "sus"--Conquering Iraq? Turkey? Waging war?
Who? How? The secular IDF isn't gonna do this. The Orthodox in black "dresses" are gonna start chopping heads? Not. The Orthodox don't even have to fight at all--they are nerdy scholars. The pick up pens. The may yell, argue. No way is this a real threat (believe what'cha like).
Jews are not conquerors, never have been--no crusades--they are defending Israel quite brutally (fwiw I don't approve of HOW but I'd like to not see it sink into the sea either--long story) BUT this all seems to be a strange unhinged embellishment and the photo isn't even real (a painting?) and this "embelishment" doesn't represent most Orthodox or most Jews. All about this is highly suspect and believe whatever ya like--Jews are not going to behead Christians or anyone else.
As for the list again yer takin' stuff waaaay too literally. Pineapple Princess Martha (not a "chew") doesn't literally mean to decapitate anyone, Naomi Wolf, really? This is all a constructed fiction. All here can believe it, I wouldn't stop anyone--but I would say that the average Joe might do better hidin' from the soon-to-be-armed MyGrunts than worry about old men in robes and tallis'es beheadin' 'em.
There are a lot of unhinged folks out there--some representin' us all in DC. hth, my 2 cents onnit
I appreciate your reply.
my pleasure! I pray to God that no harm comes to ANY of us tryin' ta seek truth an' do good in this now-wacky world--an' that somehow, some way, we "human beans" will all prevail against those in power who wanna cull us regardless of faith or even those of no faith (an' pit us against each other when we need ta all stand strong against tyranny)
Before we had doctors running policies of societies on arbitrary and broken theories such as virology, it was done by religious figures.
It's always some group thinking they have the answer...
https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/67902 funny they couldn't prove transmission even back during the Spanish flu
And the control experiments of virus isolation
Hi Rob, thank you for these links.
You’re right that it’s important to examine published evidence that a particular virus causes a specific disease.
But it would be incorrect to say there are no viruses.
Adeno-associated virus (AAV), for example, is used to carry genes to particular organs to correct gene defects.
"viruses" are all MADE IN LABS mostly for NEFARIOUS REASONS...ya know...to make POISON SHOTS
I'm not sure about those therapies actually working.
Have you been able to see anything real, or is this like the promise of COVID mRNA tech, which turned out to be a lie. I'm not confident in pharma anymore, seeing how our own regulatory agencies let a lot of bad drugs through, only to recall them years later.
I'll believe it when I see it working. I'm not against this tech, but I really don't like the direction that they are going.
Yes, it works. Many children have had sight restored after AAV delivery of Luxturna to replace a defective RPE65 gene.
Jesus is my savior.
Yes and one of Australias most prominent so called Alternative Media reporters has been promoting his products with her affiliate link to his website with free downloads to his books on Kabballah and the Noahide Laws. She just stood on stage with the Reawaken tour that supports Trump as well.
Thank you, Rosemary.
I should look into this.
My next Substack will be on this check it out. Thanks James.
Thank you, Rosemary, for covering this topic.
I guess it's been a year since this article that I'm just seeing. How has the passage of time served to mend the confusion on this? I still have questions. His last words were "let the culling begin" Why would I want to take religious instruction from someone who chose to depart with such focus? Was he referring to [redacted]? or [non redacted]? or was he talking about animals? Or non human primates? That would make me feel so much better.
So the only "source" that Elizabeth Glass offers to back up her claims...is a video from former Rocker and Australian idol contestant Altiyan Childs...!!!
The sources that you have cited here in this blog - particularly the 4th link - show the process of executing someone for violating the Noahide laws isn't as clear cut as you make out to be and it seems that discretion is given to gentile courts when putting someone on trial for violating these laws. None of your own sources have actually proven that Christians should be executed and i am yet to see a single source that advocates the execution of Christians. On the contrary, in the Mishneh Torah, Maimondes recognises Christianity (along side Islam) as a Noahide faith and one that is instrumental in spreading the Noahide laws.
Not only is the Noahide laws against idolatry not referring to Christian- it generally refers to nations who sacrificed their children to idols like Moloch and during Biblical times the Nation of Israel was in constant war with these nations.
Much context is needed here (which seems to be lacking )
Dear Levi,
Thank you for this information. I’m no expert on the topic, but many of the articles in this gentleman’s blog seem concerning:
Please note I don’t mention Christians as victims in any article about Dr. Zelenko or these laws.
It seems horrifying that most major religious groups and political bodies in the world evidently agree that all of humanity must be subservient to a group, “believe” in a particular god, recognize the group as “god’s favorite,” and be killed for not following their precepts according to the Noahide laws, if what rabbis are saying is correct.
That some groups argue about whom to behead, and when, is not necessarily comforting to potential targets.
___s are commanded to deceive the gentiles and are even commanded to kill “even the best of the gentiles”. We Gentiles are not even human according to their Talmud. Better to deal with Covid tyranny because Noahide is certain death for most but both are run by the same people, Zelenko Soviet-Commies and his Zionist cousins on the Covid side.
Want to Bet? They have atleast 30k of them. Ordered by
O... bammbam