May 15·edited May 15Liked by James Hill, MD

So Obama buys and stashes the weapons ... but it's China?

The people lying about the deadly genetic poison ... disguised as 'vaccines' ... aren't Chinese!

The people destroying America ... running the State Dept ... running Homeland Security ... running the DOJ ... running Biden ... aren't Chinese ...

What is Byrne's game ... I'm not buying it!


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Byrne isn't the only person I've seen ... trying to blame 'everything' on China ... Naomi Wolf being the other ... several times ... both of them astute people I would have thought ... would know better ... there is very little evidence that China is doing what they say ...

The only thing that implicates China ... perhaps more so Russia ... is their failure to call out what is really going on ... (which is quite obvious to me ... when I see someone like Jamie Raskin seemingly pretending to have cancer) ... and stop WWIII ... which, again ... people ... that aren't Chinese ... are desperately trying to start ... before the truth about 'vaccines' ... all of them ... going back over a century ... finally comes out - 'vaccines' that also ... have never been 'Chinese'


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May 15·edited May 15Liked by James Hill, MD

Naomi Wolf has been blaming China for a couple years now. She is an asset.

Her recent interviews with Alex Jones was 60% Limited Hangout.

China and the other BRICS nations will benefit from America's downfall - but the enemy is within.

Obama's administration set the stage with the NDAA; the stockpiling of weapons; and (OMG) the FEMA camps and the guillotines.

Trump is Chabad's inside man...and they are behind a lot of this.

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May 15Liked by James Hill, MD

Fantastic piece. I clearly should have kept a closer eye on Wolf - she bores me a bit to be honest. I had no idea until I watched the recent InfoWars interview that she was clearly in the Club, as is Jones, of course.

It also became apparent that she supports Trump - who is busy radicalising his Xian Zionist followers towards support for the death penalty for 'hate speech' towards Hebrews. Very dangerous times for us.

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Thank you, Linda.

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Naomi Wolf is a JEW. Jews will be jews.

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The Khazarian Jewish Mafia owns our Government. They are all comprised. Hopefully one day soon the Epstein client list will be released. The dark veil of Evil is being lifted.

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Psyops…whose running them…we need to start paying attention & holding them accountable. Another dangerous psyop: there are “white hats” within the murderous organizations.

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@Plissken Boon Patrick Byrne may have got some minor details wrong, but it’s absolutely true that the Chinese Communist Party has been engaged in a bold invasion attack on the US. You need to learn how to read the clues and get the big picture.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has sent a million young male to cross the southern border into the US in 3 years. If CCP is not to launch bloody attacks, you can tell us a harmless explanation to this fact.

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By any means ... I am not a fan of the Chinese communist party ... and their record of human rights abuses is appalling ...

But there are many areas of the World that have very different cultures to ourselves ... and, because of these different ideologies ... some of them very radical ... to varying degrees ... we consider these people enemies ... fanatical Muslims for instance ...

But I have watched 'evil' in the World for several years now ... and the people who have been facilitating a flood of Muslims ... probably the most difficult of all migrant groups to 'assimilate' ... into Europe ... are not Muslim ... the NGOs running immigrants into Europe ... aren't Muslim NGOs ... or Chinese for that matter ...

We have a large population of immigrants in NZ ... many of them are Chinese ... we may even have a few Chinese spies ... but, for the most part ... I do not see overt subversion of our country by our Chinese population ...

However ... wherever I look in the United States ... I see one group of people ... many of them holding dual-nationality passports ... deliberating subverting America ...

I see one group of people running the NGOs running immigrants into Europe ... subverting Europe ... crewing the boats carrying those immigrants ... funding the immigration of those immigrants ...

China may very well be taking advantage of the ridiculous situation at the US border ... but, again ... the people facilitating an 'open' southern border ... facilitating this absolutely devastating influx of illegal aliens into America ... numbers range from 8 to 16 million since Biden took office ... are not Chinese! In my opinion ... any influx of Chinese aliens across the US border ... and the highlighting of that fact in MSM ... is to provide a 'narrative' against China ... by people who, again, aren't Chinese ... in their evil agenda ... very obvious in both Ukraine and Gaza ... to start WWIII ...

Naomi Wolf wrote an article some time back ... about how the CCP is controlling the Whitehouse ... but I see a very evil 'Deep State' controlling the Whitehouse ... a 'dual-nationality' 'Deep State' ... that has allegiance to another country ... but it isn't China ... and they are not Chinese ...

The World would have been a very different place in the 20th/21st centuries ... had it not been for the fact that the United States is in the grip of a very evil 'Deep State' that is intent on destroying it ...

We can 'get along' with China ... Russia ... Iran ... India ...

What's destroying the World ... is the 'dual nationality' 'Deep State' controlling/destroying America ...

China doesn't own/control the Fed ... the BIS ... big banks ... big pharma ... big medical ... big publishing ... global MSM ... 'fact checkers' ... Google ... YouTube ... Facebook ... Wikipedia ... but the people who do ... want us ... to fight WWIII ... to take out China ... Russia ... Iran ... India ... for them ... so they can control the World

(China controls 'Tik Tok' ... and look who's trying to take down 'Tik Tok' ... because they don't control it!)

When I see a Chinese 'George Soros' funding BLM ... Antifa ... NGOs supporting immigrants ... running the biggest lobbying groups/sponsors of the United States congress ... and funding corrupt prosecutors/judges across America ... putting Chinese puppets in charge of places like Ukraine ... and the EU ... maybe I'll change my mind ...


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By the way, as a New Zealand citizen, did you vote for that criminal human garbage Jacinda Arden? I hope not. I voted for Trump twice, and I have no regrets.

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I can't stand her ...

I refuse to use her name ...

I refer to her as ... 'the Dame with no name'


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@Plissken Boon You wrote a lot about your views which I agree to a certain extent, but I don’t agree with your simplistic conclusion.

For example, yes, Tony Fauci and the whole Democratic Party were involved in the fake COVID pandemic. But without the Chinese Communist Party’s massive doomsday lockdowns and fake images of dead bodies on the sides of Wuhan streets in January of 2020, COVID scamdemic could NOT have made such devastating damages to the world. In addition, don’t forget the CCP controls the WHO which is the mastermind behind the medical tyranny.

Yet you seem to insist on the fact that Fauci and Ralph Baric worked with CCP, therefore it’s wrong to put the blame on the CCP.

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I think China was/has been set up ... by Fauci ... and his 'handlers'

There are very 'good' reasons Fauci was in the position he was for several decades ... just as 'useful puppets' like Pelosi are 'kept on' in Congress ... the numbers of 'bought and paid for' people in positions of power across America is horrific ...

I have no doubt there are elements in China being used in the same way ... the top people behind Hamas for instance ... are all multi-billionaires ... and don't live anywhere near Israel ... there are also dubious arrangements with places like Saudi Arabia ... and even Russia ...

The people controlling America have immense wealth ... and immense power ... and when you look ... you realize there is very little money can't buy ...

The 'illusion' was 'created' across the World ... not just in China and the United States ... and the World has become so dumbed-down ... it is incredibly gullible ...

Ukraine has shown us ... very clearly ... that a country of over 40 million people can be controlled ... led down a path of war ... by the 'Deep State' controlling the US ... by placing placing an illegitimate 'puppet leader' in power ...

In the same way ... you cannot assume that the CCP ... or people controlling Saudi Arabia for instance ... are working in the best interests of the people they represent ... for example ... there is likely to be an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel (9/11) ... to work together against Iran ... and divide up the whole region ... but ... I also have no doubt that Israel has an even bigger agenda which will, at some stage, destroy Saudi Arabia ...

China and Russia are the biggest threats to the people controlling the United States ... what we are watching ... is a very clever 'take-down' of both ...

Joe Biden is one of many 'puppets' ... like Fauci ... like Pelosi ... all playing their parts ...


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My ability to 'read the clues' ... and 'get the big picture' ... is actually 'right up there' ...

Ingmar Bergman's most famous film 'Persona' (1966) ... the second most written about film in history (enough to fill an entire library) ... described on Wikipedia ... as 'Everest' for film scholars ... remained 'un-decoded' for over 50 years ... until I conclusively decoded it ... in under two hours in 2017 ...


Some of my feedback ... for my 'big picture' skills (excuse the pun) is here



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hehe... the very people pointing the finger are the ones who are guilty. They gotta find some "enema" they think will stick... or they themselves get strung up for this elaborate engineered series of events they got all the national governments to collude against the national publics via.

The closer we get to hanging the traitors the more likely nuclear war will be unleashed so they can avoid accountability.

Still waiting to hear anyone in the Uniparty mention Accountability or referring any of the Treason/Traitor actions for prosecution, which shows you they want you to know about it, and they want you to know nothing is being done about it... as its a show of power and Cuntrol. Lets shorten that Cuntrol word and put down the C*nts.

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It is not reducible to one identity. Not just the Chinese, Zionists, Masons, Jesuits or Anglo-American Deep State. It is not just one group or one ethnicity or one identifiable part. It is a transnational group operating out of the shadows. It is a cluster of different pathogenic micro-organisms concealed within biofilm. William Cooper pointed out years ago what I am saying now. This pathogenic cluster has many heads like a Hydra but one overarching goal, and it can fool a whole lot of people by placing any one of these heads in camera view and making people think they have identified the monster. Each time you (symbolically) cut off a head by making a false identification, it grows two more, adding to the general confusion and thus gaining more power over its prey, which is the whole of mankind. Obama was and is central to the Hydra's metabolism. BO preplanned what is now being rolled out with the barbarian invasion of UN police by pre-arranging major stockpiling of ammo at the USPS and other non-military, non-law enforcement US depts. There are connecting threads between everything from BO admin to today. For example, founding of Brain Initiative in 2013 bringing in J. Giordano at same time (2013) as the launch was occurring of Graphene Flagship and the Human Brains Project in the EU (which is now EBRAINS). All this fits together in a nonlinear way with Chinese involvement at Davos. Brett Weinstein reported a while back on Chinese military age men coming through Darien Gap, many of whom may well be "enhanced". John O Looney has recently spoken about how "immigrants" have been receiving military training by UK special forces. 911 would have been decoded much more easily had Judy Wood not be silenced. There are multiple heads to this Hydra including Musk satellites and his Starshield work for DOD. Bottom line is that "they" are focused on taking out Western Civilization as the main demolition goal. Why? Because Western civilization stands in the way of techno-dystopia under the rule of One World Government.

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May 17Liked by James Hill, MD

Its reducible to NAMED INDIVIDUALS who FACILITATED the series of engineered Events. Way past time to start naming SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS and holding them to Account. Keeping the asserted enemy named generally and generically will not allow for accountability.

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If it makes you feel better to think that

They may have non-tribal frontmen and members but underneath all that is a group that is unified by one ethnic/religious identity.

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Oh lord the Judy Wood garbage. You are aware she is counter intel. Absolutely all bizarre theories with zero to back them up. I don't want your links don't bother.

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May 15Liked by James Hill, MD

I'm not so quick to dismiss anything anymore.

The main thing that sticks out at me is that all the vaccines were made by Chinese workers ...at Pfizer and biontec.

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Take another look.


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I don't doubt they tried….but I think it works totally yet

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May 15Liked by James Hill, MD

If the people of the West do not get rid of the murderous authorities home and abroad, what did you expect to happen, the victims from abroad will do it!

Sides, which side are you on?

Protecting scumbags and going along with murder for salary, or joining with those wherever they come from, who stand against it?

Why the people should welcome strangers...... Before the authorities recruit them.

Of course to avoid this orchestrated situation, the native people should have done the deed, years ago.

There's still time.

Slow the machine to a halt

Stop bombing the immigrants countries, and send them back with money to rebuild.

This will also strengthen the dollar/pound abroad and make allies.



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May 21·edited May 21Liked by James Hill, MD

I just wonder if that roundup in El Salvador if MS13 was really a gathering of an army. Now they have got them all in one big camp, just like a military base, training and refining them into an effective and efficient army of killers. And they are just a short flight away.

I mean, think about it…that President’s family would have been skinned alive by now. It’s pretty suspect how efficiently that “roundup” went down. I smell a rat.

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May 21Liked by James Hill, MD

Remember how pallets of bricks were left on the streets to fuel BLM mischief? Kinda validates this idea of stockpiled weapons. I have often thought that Trump’s over-the-top (an very unstatesmanlike) statements on immigrants in his last term were intentionally inflammatory to eventually provoke civil unrest. People have very short memories, especially his blind supporters, but he was a deeply offensive guy. And while his supporters may have amnesia, the people targeted by his offensive speech have that seed of mistrust buried deep within them. How easy it would be for TPTB to set that off.

The other side of this equation is, that while the feds may have stockpiles of weapons to arm the poor, disenfranchised immigrants, they also manipulated the middle class into personally stocking up on guns & ammo. Both sides armed, both sides pissed off, both sides easily manipulated…ripe for a manufactured bloodbath.

What a bizarre world this is.

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May 19Liked by James Hill, MD

Copy and share into a browser file with local police https://5smallstones.com/medical-integrity/


Clouthub.com is not cabal controlled 100% freedom of speech except porn

Nuremberg 2.0 already ❤️ 🇺🇸 🙏

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May 16Liked by James Hill, MD

Crimes against humanity.

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I wonder if this is the same Patrick burn that was CEO of Balboa capital in Orange county? It's a common name I guess

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Same name but different guy.

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Thanks for getting back to me on that

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You’re welcome. Thank you for being here.

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I’m so on to this information by OB! I’ve seen it coming since the invasion began! Buckle up Patriots We’re in for Hell on earth when not if this happens!! BOLO high Red Alert⛓️🪓💚✨🧐🙏🏻💜🚨🚨🚨

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Hello James, on

"Chi...mentions underground facilities to withstand nuclear attacks", and,

"Chi discusses strategic use of bioweapons"

👉You do know that neither nuke weapons nor germ bioweapons actually exist, right? So this is just fear mongering or they will use these labels as a cover for other types of attacks, like large bombs called nukes, and to call the Covid shots+5G+chemtrials bioweapons?

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Hi PM,

Evidence suggests all of the above are weapons.

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Thanks James, maybe you've not gotten around to the Nuke story, it requires some hours of study. Hiroshima and Nagasaki looked exactly like every other of 68 Japanese cities firebombed, all concrete bldgs and people in them, even at ground zero, survived. This is impossible with a nuke that, in theory, would destroy everything.







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On Bioweapons, this is usually defined as a germ. For viruses, no virus has ever been isolated. So you can't make one if there is no original to base it on. For Bacteria, they don't harm healthy people, so you can't soup them up.

If you think there is "evidence", please provide an paper finding an isolated virus, means purified and characterized, not just a computer genome, or an EM photo, or a Cell Culture which do not prove a virus. A military doc, or any document stating use of xyz germ as a weapon is not proof of a weapon, pls provide a research paper that captured such sample from a weapon and isolated such germ and repeated infection in another host and was reisolated. Thank you.

See these vids



If you want to call cancer cells in an injection a bioweapon, yes that can be done. But it is a one person at a time weapon, you can't easily aerosol them, the cells would likely disintegrate.

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Update*2024*. .....neoliberal and post luciferian schizoid leftwingnut s virtue signal. boarishly ..nervously bleating .. whining..about scapegoating..meanwhile...the . HIAS zoa B'nai brith adl splc WeF Blackrock Blackstone Soros triumvirate,including trumprat... has reinsured millions of 5th world illegals stream unobstructed thru *American..* open borders....once ensconsed ,access weapons while American born folk are disarmed by Jewish communists who promise peace,ushering in in a utopian dystopia for totalitarian cyborgs.Rearm Now*

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Too bad I can’t show you screen shots of the agencies on the CBP one app that is being used by the global gangsters.

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If the guy says China is behind this, he's a total shill. This is jewish controlled operation from start to finish.

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He seems a limited hangout.

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who funded Mao? Just leaving it there for you to think on...China IS Jew owned... do your own research please.

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Correct -China is jew-owned.

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May 15·edited May 15

The key that unites Obama, Netanyahu's Israeli, Khazarian, Ashkenazis and the CCP is they are all Satanic communists. Our United States government and most of the world's governments are infiltrated with these communists.

The REAL solution:

Daniel 2:44 says God's Kingdom is a real government that will soon begin it's rule over the earth and it will remove ALL unrepentant wicked in the war of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will rule the whole earth backed by Jehovah God, the Creator. Jehovah God has an army of millions of angels. One angel in one night killed 185,000 warrior soldiers. It would take under 44,000 of these angels to kill the whole earths population if they wanted to. While removing the wicked, the angels will save righteous people who listen to Jehovah God and do his will. These will usher in a new paradise earth where the righteous will live forever. Learn how YOU can survive into this happy world at jw.org.

To see how the one angel wiped out 185,000 warrior soldiers of the then world power, here is a link:


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Yes, comes down to one thing that is discussed throughout the Holy Bible and that is Man's Fallen Sin nature. It is going to take faith and a repentance to the one true God Jesus Christ!!

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If only it were that simple. Appreciate your faith, though.

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