After correctly observing the Covid spike protein is an ethnic bioweapon having different binding affinities for ACE2 and other cell receptors across genetic variants, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. promptly retreated from important implications of this.
Gatekeepers immediately gathered on two sides:
Side 1: “RFK Jr. is crazy! Don’t bother to look at any evidence. Just spasmodically dismiss out of hand everything he’s saying!”
For example, Kennedy was quickly assailed by big Twitter accounts like actor Michael Rapaport, Ripple CTO David “JoelKatz” Schwartz, MSNBC “analyst” David Corn, and Dossier publisher Jordan Schachtel, who tweeted, “Academic scientific literature during the covid hysteria era is largely a heap of garbage. Throw it all out.”
Some in this knee-jerk camp assert Joe Biden should remain president, likely ensuring future lockdowns, mask and injection mandates, and enslaving vaccine passports.
Anonymous accounts “MeidasTouch” and “Benjamin” also leapt on RFK Jr. this way, calling him “totally nuts,” “lunacy territory,” and “absolutely disgusting and insane.”
Even RFK Jr.’s sister Kerry Kennedy responded in the same fashion, likely out of ignorance or coercion:
I strongly condemn my brother's deplorable and untruthful remarks last week about Covid being engineered for ethnic targeting.
His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for, with our 50+-year track record of protecting rights and standing against racism and all forms of discrimination.
Here she absurdly implies, “Science must only be what feels good and doesn’t offend anyone.”
Side 2: “RFK Jr. is right about the Covid spike protein being an ethnic bioweapon. So let’s automatically also accept all the false ideas he Trojan Horses us with!”
These false ideas include:
The “ethnic effect” was not “deliberately engineered.” It was unintentional, just as was the virus’s “accidental leak” from a lab that could only be located in Wuhan, China.
First, an “accidental lab leak” is preposterous for an engineered bioweapon.
Second, the Wuhan lab-only assertion is as ridiculous as, “Only my granny can make chicken soup,” given how many laboratories around the world have capabilities equal to or better than those in Wuhan and how easy and accessible genetic engineering has become.
Third, plentiful evidence demonstrates the spike protein’s engineering, including, among many other publications, a January 2020 preprint from Prashant Pradhan’s India Institute of Technology group documenting four HIV glycoprotein inserts in the spike protein, potentially increasing its pathogenicity.
This paper was later retracted allegedly under political pressure and for no valid scientific reason.
Fourth, studies on the spike protein’s ethnic variability in binding to cell receptors are clear and can be found in this article:
Who says targeting is happening?
An NIH insider physician claims ethnically targeting spike protein-encoding injections have been designed and deployed by [redacted] military intelligence allegedly “to prevent the next [redacted] holocaust” by killing and sterilizing mainly Europeans.
Furthermore, [redacted] military intelligence has developed genotype-specific bioweapons (“ethnic bullets”) for years, according to a 1998 Wired magazine report citing articles in the London Sunday Times and Foreign Report.
Is it worthwhile to consider these reports carefully, or should we instantly dismiss them as “completely wacko” like gatekeepers tell us to?
Back to RFK Jr.’s false ideas:
The Covid spike protein encoded by current injections was created by China alone to attack America.
Here, Kennedy joins Naomi Wolf and Dr. Robert Malone in apparent misdirection.
This story might be used to justify an American war with China, killing hundreds of millions on both sides.
Don’t look at [redacted]’s role in any of this. It’s all “the US and other governments.” For instance, America is developing such weapons targeting Russians.
This might be used to justify attacks killing millions of Americans and Russians in yet another European “brother war,” as is happening now between Ukraine and Russia.
The spike protein is just a “proof of concept” for future bioweapons. No need to worry about much currently.
Beyond death, disability, and infertility researchers claim have happened following current Covid shots, we have yet to see longer-term effects of the already widely disseminated spike protein and ingredients in the shots, which could produce further bad outcomes in prion-based neurodegeneration, amyloidosis, autoimmune disease, immunosuppression, genetic disease, and cancer.
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