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WHO’s Susan Michie says you must wear Covid masks “forever”

Although masks, contact tracing, and hand and surface hygiene don’t reduce Covid infection rates, you must do them eternally, claims communist behavior manipulation “expert” (Updated 9/8/22)

Susan Michie, an English psychologist and 40-year Communist Party member specializing in manipulating behavior and manufacturing consent — with no apparent knowledge or desire to learn about medicine, virology, immunology, epidemiology, aerosol dynamics, or infectious disease — was promoted to Chair of the WHO’s Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health and demands your family comply with unfounded, unhelpful Covid measures like masking, contact tracing, and hand and contact surface sterilization.

“Forever,” she replies laughingly in the video above when asked how long citizens must be made to obey these useless and — in the case of mask mandates and vaccine passports — harmful policies.

On hearing this, you might think Michie is a medical authority who’s reached reasoned, scientific conclusions on mask and vaccine mandates to help you.

But you’d be wrong.

In fact, her job is reportedly solely to convince people — even if by deception— to take leaky spike protein vaccines instead of early Covid treatment, never gather in groups of more than three people, perpetually wear plastics-shedding masks that can’t reduce viral infection rates and that act as a ritual symbol of submission and ignorance to ease a population into Noahide law compliance, and accept vaccine passport slavery that provides the control necessary for executions to begin under Noahide laws.

Michie is but one of many leaders in the operation insisting your family take injections that encode the toxic Covid virus spike protein, select for more infectious and lethal viral variants, and have no public long-term safety data.

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James Hill MD’s Newsletter
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
James Hill, MD