Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

Because of the graphene oxide in the jabs. We continually move off track here. It is confirmed by multiple scientists around the world that the jabs contain nanotechnology and graphene. NOT mRNA. That is a false dissonance. It is so frustrating. LaQuinta Columna did extensive research on the Pfizer vial contents. And this Dr. Ana Mihalcea, who is an MD and a scientist, has extensively examined patients' blood. Things have advanced very quickly to the point where Mihalcea shows pictures/video of these nanobots being detectable under a microscope. She does not even have to use an electron microscope anymore to detect the robots. Now if we are supposed to be "following" the science, which is supposed to be always debatable, I suggest that Steve has a conversation with Mihalcea to start. This a very good video where Mihalcea explains what she has discovered. https://rumble.com/v4wwfpu-nanobots-inside-people-are-programming-humanity.html

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Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

Some vials might have no measurable genetic code, but plenty do. I would anyway argue that the synthetic mRNA is much more dangerous than GO, which our bodies can degrade quite efficiently:


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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

I tend to believe it is all very dangerous. However, there is a controlling aspect that can occur IMO when you begin to examine the electromagnetic angle or electrical angle and consider the technologies interfacing with a human beings electromagnetic field or biofield.

I would like to expand upon LaQuinta Columna's work to explain what this interface is and how they are making contact inside our bodies and minds. My main focus is the graphene and the nanotech in the jabs because of the short- and long-term effects.

Graphene is a radio modular material. This means it becomes excited by electromagnetic fields and the toxicity that emanates from it depends upon the amount of radiation that it can absorb. When graphene is excited – one of its effects is that it coagulates the blood. This leads to strokes, ischemia, and heart attacks. But this not the main issue IMO.

The main issue I see is that they can generate artificial outbreaks, that they call “waves” by exciting or increasing the quality of the frequencies that are emitted by telephone masks or towers. Because then graphene acts as an amplifier, i.e. – thousands of times more in the body. Graphene actually boosts GHz into terahertz territory by converting the GHZ or gigahertz into terahertz.

And this is a big danger because graphene that is present in the jabs is particularly affected by 26 GHz. And LaQuinta Columna confirmed this.

In Europe and in other parts of the world 26 GHz is the next frequency that will be emitted. It is already being put out in Europe and the government there is offering the 26 GHz to four operators for 36 million euros. I believe it is also being put out in the US as well.

This will lead to the next pandemic that they are already talking about, and Bill Gates, told us, the next pandemic would get our attention - Disease X. Could it be a bird flu or Ebola? What we are seeing of course in the media is the pushing of a hemorrhagic component.

Now something to think about is this: all the Covid jabs contain an RFID code -which is like having a living antenna or becoming a living antenna. So, all the people in the streets who got the covid jab are living antennas.

There is a French researcher, Jack Benveniste, who points out that every disease has a code. Every molecule has a weight, frequency and structure, but most importantly a frequency. If the receptor is good enough, the receiver, which is the person who has the technology installed inside of them, through the covid injection, they can do whatever they want to the person. Have them riot in the street and have them act like zombies. All you need to do is create a frequency, a wave, and a disease. And you can induce any disease if the structure is good, and the receptor is solid. And all the people who received the jab are a solid receptor with the RFID component.

Why else do you think that when they ordered the lockdown in March of 2020, during that same month, Musk began shooting up his satellites, which he continues to do to this very day. I live in area where he launches them from. It has never ceased. It is literally creating an electromagnetic radiation cloud.

And I really suggest watching the link I posted, and maybe even look into LaQuinta Columna's material.

I also do not believe that anyone, is immune to contagion at this point by the way. Meaning the non-jabbed. There is too much graphene in our food, water, etc. If you hang out with vaxed people or visit where they have been you are exposed. The shedding is real. I believe it is very sophisticated and I am looking more into that right now.

Mihalcea shows that the nanotech has taken over animals, fish, and is moving through our entire biosphere creating synthetic cells in people, in our food, creating Human 3.0.

I suggest that people get the metal out their body, so they are less, magnetic, and can detoxify that way.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Eloquent comment

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Thank you. I have absolutely no solutions beyond detoxing the metal loads in our bodies, and resisting by not taking anymore jabs.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

I use Xclear spray in public and change my clothes and shower after being out. Whatever shedding is, affects me. & a lot of dandelion tea.

I did a heavy metal detox with my doctor, helped my parasite and metal overloads.

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Jul 24Liked by James Hill, MD

I used to think stuff like you posted was the good diagnostic indicator of a paranoid schizophrenic off their meds. Now I’m not so sure. I’ve buried five boomer generation close kin since December of last year with all suffering rapid onset and decline diseases. Guess what else they all had in common. I’ve got a few more that might not live to see this Christmas. I don’t come from a huge family. I’ve also personally witnessed more people literally go bonkers in public in the last 2 years than in the previous 50.

Watch this:


This guy is a scientist talking about the kind of stuff you mention in your post. Notice his audience. It’s not a MUFON convention.

Read this:


Pay close attention to the part where he is quoted and follow that rabbit hole down a ways. Buckle up and wear a helmet.

I don’t think the vax was a single unitary standardized thing. I think it is a whole bunch of tailored effects nanobiological weapons where some folks get a fast kill shot, some get the lingering death, some people become infective payload shedding vectors, while others suffer worse fates I.e. zombies or robots.

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Totally correct!

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Spot on correct!

Along with Dr Ana Michalcea and La Quinta Columna, Dr Sasha Latipova has extensively exposed that together with Katherine Watt, who has analysed all the contracts by the military… and German neurologist Dr Michael Nehls has deeply analysed the brain-damage mechanism of the vxc in his book The Indoctrinated Brain … last but not least British neuroscientist Kevin McCairn has exposed the prion-making bio weapon


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Yes spot on for sure!

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

I have been following her ( Dr. Mihalcea) for a long time. Such truthful info being ignored by those mentioned above. I want to know why they won’t acknowledge her work and that of many others. So wrong and frustrating!

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

It has baffled me that people are not interested in Mihalcea's findings or La Quinta Columna's. I know I sent their findings, pictures and all, to multiple NP's, and RN's and even some scientists. Some actually disagreed and threw out the whole mRNA angle again. But show me the proof. Show me the pictures that both LaQuinta Columna and Mihalcea have provided as two separate researchers that do not even know each other.

Maybe because the truth is frightening IMO, and some people actually believe a politician like Trump will save them.

Some may believe that Jesus will come down on a cloud and rapture them as his faithful. I mean certain Christian's believe this. We are being hung by our beliefs into complacency. They have sold us on a history of being pulled to the edge and then being saved. The hero's journey, I guess.

If you have children, grandchildren etc. cognitive dissonance is a great tool of sedation. But at the end of the day, historically as a species we have given our power and our sovereignty away to something or some group, or someone. Not to offend anyone, but I do not think it going to work.

So, they are going to do this again IMO. They will send this disease X they keep talking about through either these satellites or use the satellites to release payloads in the body of vaxed people - i.e., what they call bird flu or Ebola. And trust that it will be dramatic enough to scare people into taking more of their nanobots and graphene in the form of a "saving" vaccine. And it has to get people's attention so it will have to be hemorrhagic and deadly. Again, these are just my thoughts. I have no proof, that this is how they will do it.

But they seem to have a destination they want to reach, whoever they are, and they will not stop until they get there. But they need the human beings for something don't they?

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Jul 8Liked by James Hill, MD

Has baffled me too Suzanne! I don’t get it!

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Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

When the mRNA jabs were mandated for many large cohorts, it was crystal clear (at least to me) this was a bio weapon.

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Our government wants us dead.

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Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

I have trouble believing that the clot shots were purposely intended to wipe out 80% of humanity. However, what's evil and criminal to the extreme, is that for example, Pfizer knew from their trials the vaccine was deadly, didn't work, and wanted the results hidden for 75 years. No wonder. Then all of the vaccine manufacturers lied about the effectiveness, lied about their safety, lied about therapeutics that cured Covid, (like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc). Then we had the collusion of the FDA, CDC, Fauci, Birx, etc., the American government, Biden, all pushing and mandating the poisons, while most of them knew that the vaccines did more harm than good. So herein lies the crimes, capitol murder, assault, conspiracy. I think there can be no forgiveness.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

DoD are behind it. The Pharma companies just followed their OTA contracts

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

So what percentage do you believe they purposely intended to wipe out? Based on the points you made (all fully accurate), it seems like it may be closer to 100%, at least for Americans and Europeans. The rest of the world - not so much.

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That's just it, I'm not on board with a theory of bio-weapons intended to wipe out a large percentage of people on earth. But my points are valid. What could be the incentive for them to do all of this? In much of it, the profit $$$$$ for big pharma and other profiteers, maybe the lust for total control? Look at New Zealand, they went bat shit crazy, even Israel vaccinated like crazy. The UK went all in, their death rate is staggering.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

I believe some are unable to accept they’ve suffered brain damage.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Absurd theater, James.

[They are] Keeping us in the cull-de-sac.

By design.

Simple rule of thumb: If there was anything healthy in our systems/structures/organs, what would they be doing differently in light of the overwhelming evidence of harms? Conversely: If they are all aligned with Satan, what would they be doing - [would it be any different to what they do daily]?

Satan has the wheel, and his minions want us [all] dead.


[...] Brackets added for clarity, initially typed up on phone.

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Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

Grave New World:

Doctors of Medicine are pleasers. They will chase after any ball of medicine with their tails wagging. Not realizing that the ball is an illusion and that they are being thrown.

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Not all doctors, Thomas, but I’m sad to acknowledge some indeed seem that way.

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Vaccine frenzy?

More like zombie apocalypse.

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Thus confirming Steve's brain damage.

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All a team of controllers.

Read the Deagal Report on population reduction by 70%.

They also believe that Covid was real and that viruses exist.

Shucks, we goofed.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Yes. Deagel (US military contractor) forecast and published, in 2017, massive population reductions, by 2025. The US was stated to be reduced, by ± 2/3 of the current population., European countries were also predicted to experience mass population declines. Many middle eastern countries, eastern European, far Eastern countries, and African countries were safe from decline. White Europeans (Christians) have become the enemy of the global elitists.

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Christianity was always a threat to Empire, which is why Rome usurped.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

Expounding on your comment, I believe the papacy is compromised beyond any possible restitution through the many controversial changes to teachings and practices, especially concerning gays and trans, implemented by Pope Francis. One World Faith is much more than just idle chatter attributed to the WEF and Rome is its safe haven. In my estimation Pope Francis and One World Faith are intrinsically connected.

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The Church has always had to compromise to survive.

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Yes, indeed.

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Jul 4Liked by James Hill, MD

Great article, if disturbing in its implications. Do you think this could be another example of a Synchronization Ritual for the masses?


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Interesting question and concept.

Thank you, AL.

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Jul 6Liked by James Hill, MD

Right on DR. Hill. Covid and the Bioweapon jab were no mistake but a well planned Genocidal attack on Humanity.

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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

No medical goofs to be found, only purposeful genocide.

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I’m afraid you are correct, EK.

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It appears so.

Also, “Pope Francis suggested … getting vaccinated against the coronavirus was a ‘moral obligation’ and denounced how people had been swayed by ‘baseless information’ to refuse one of the most effective measures to save lives.”


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Jul 5Liked by James Hill, MD

No "mistakes" were made.

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Indeed the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab MAIN GOAL was/is to silently cull as many modern moron slaves as possible. So far it has been doing a wonderful job.


I'm just waiting to see the result of the m[iracle]RNA COMBO COVIDIUS+FLU... It will be FUN to watch.

I bet that soon after this year deployment of these jabs we'll get another increase in issuance of PCR kit labels!

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