“Genius” of exploding pagers is needed for next attack: Greenblatt
What does this mean, and who are the targets? (Updated 2/2/25)
In January 2025, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt told the Israeli Knesset the kind of "genius" behind the exploding pager attack that killed and maimed innocent people in Lebanon is now needed to “fight antisemitism.”
It’s unclear how Mr. Greenblatt defines “antisemitism.”
Is he suggesting anyone who disagrees with any [redacted] person or policy fits the bill?
And if his prescription would apply in America, does he mean they’ll bypass the First Amendment and go straight to extrajudicial killing of citizens through stealth Trojan horse weapons?
Of the exploding pagers, the UN reported:
The attacks reportedly killed at least 32 people and maimed or injured 3,250, including 200 critically.
Among the dead are a boy and a girl, as well as medical personnel.
Around 500 people suffered severe eye injuries, including a diplomat.
Others suffered grave injuries to their faces, hands and bodies.
What sort of technique is Mr. Greenblatt advocating?
Could it relate to what Rabbi Mendel Kaplan spoke of in the post below?
Disclaimer: This newsletter rejects racism and antisemitism and does not suggest all or most in any societal group are involved in any crime or coverup. Articles here are presented to understand current events and save lives.
Could this strategy involve civilian participants?
Will President Trump go along with the plan?
Related: ADL says don’t question your injections
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So, this paragon is advocating for extra-judicial killings?
Murders, by Organs of the State?
With no due process.
With inevitable collateral damage.
For the crime of?
Critical thinking?
Being honest?
Opposing Evil?
All of the above?
But not for literally committing an actual crime?
Do our masses realise where we are on the slippery slope?
If we protected individuals, there would be no need to protect select groups at the expense of others.
Which is the business model of the born-of-Evil ADL.
The guy - along with all of his psychopathic brethren - needs to be stripped of any power over anything or anyone. The Organs smashed. And the cancers excised.
They have proven themselves time after time to be wholly unsuited to such power, and yet The Monster they are constituents of has done nothing but kill and consolidate power for generations.
Thankfully, The Monster is showing us its face; and once seen it cannot be unseen.
Any IOT could potentially be used for destructive purposes, cars, phones, scooters, drones, pace makers, laptops, passenger planes, ships, wifi routers, power stations…