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Former US Treasury secretary on World War II justifications for censorship today

Questioning plans to kill by injections, invasions, or famine must be shut down, say officials

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Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas deflects criticism from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) in the video above (at 1:05):

Senator Hawley takes an adversarial approach to me in this question, and perhaps he doesn't know my own background.

Perhaps he does not know that I am the child of a “holocaust survivor.”

Perhaps he does not know that my mother lost almost all her family at the hands of “the nazis.”

And so I find his adversarial tone to be entirely misplaced.

I find it to be disrespectful of me and my heritage.

And I do not expect an apology, but I did want to say what I just articulated.

Critics say Mayorkas uses his alleged association with “the holocaust” as a “get out of jail free” card to advance the invasion of America by over 30 million foreigners, mostly men of military age unaccompanied by women or children, during Biden’s administration.

Mayorkas can evidently rebuke any disagreement with the invasion as “disrespectful of me and my heritage.“

This appears true even for Mayorkas’s deadly CBP One invasion app:

Strategically housed by the federal government around the country at humiliating taxpayer expense, the invaders comprise “sleeper cells” that can be activated at any time through an app like CBP One to grab millions of cached weapons and kill American citizens, says former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne.

Paul Craig Roberts on stifling speech

Paul Craig Roberts, PhD

Former U.S. Treasury Assistant Secretary, Wall Street Journal associate editor, and Georgetown University professor Paul Craig Roberts says freedom of speech and academic inquiry are dying fast:

Only [redacted] can investigate [“the holocaust”] as gentiles are too intimidated and brainwashed to investigate.

In European countries it is dangerous to investigate Holocaust claims, because anything less than a regurgitation of the official narrative brings a prison sentence.  

A person might think that if the official story is true, [redacted] would want it investigated.  

It would be a great victory for [redacted] if the Holocaust were investigated by objective gentile scholars and found to be true.  

Instead, there is an Iron Curtain of censorship preventing any investigation of the claims.

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