
Ole Dammegard on false flag operations

Investigator says terror events are staged frequently to disarm Americans and push them into wars (Updated 9/22/24)

Researcher Ole Dammegard explains how false flag operations (a) falsely blame a patsy or targeted enemy for major crimes; and (b) terrorize citizens into giving up rights and freedoms and accepting surveillance, censorship, lockdowns, masking, injections, and wars.

(Full video here.)

Examples of false flags include 9/11, Covid, the January 6th “insurrection,” USS Liberty, Kennedy assassinations, and most if not all mass shootings, says Dammegard.

Crisis actors; gun-seizure messaging

“Victims” coincidentally always oppose Second Amendment

The gun-grabbling alleged crisis actress below is a typical example.

Is every terror event today a false flag op?

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False flags easily detectable, even sloppy

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