Covid’s military operation: Are Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman missing elephants in the room?
Maybe they see them and can’t say (Updated 2/10/25)
Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova have done a great service to the world in summarizing evidence Covid and its associated lockdowns, social distancing, masking, and injections are a military operation.
Here’s a PDF version (h/t Meryl Nass MD):
They note these military procedures were coordinated at least by the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy.
These happen to be countries where Europeans live and are primarily targeted for elimination by their leaders through injections, antiwhite propaganda, and border invasions, find researchers.
Debbie and Sasha:
It is crucially important to understand that Covid was a globally coordinated response, based on legal frameworks intended for biodefense/biowarfare situations.
The attack that initiated the global Covid response could have been real, perceived or invented – regardless of the trigger, the lockdown-until-vaccine paradigm originated in the military/intelligence biodefense playbook, not in any scientifically based or epidemiologically established public health plan.
This means that nothing about the response – masking, distancing, lockdowns, vaccines – was part of a public health plan to respond to a disease outbreak.
Rather, every aspect of the response was intended to induce public panic in order to gain compliance with biodefense operations, culminating with the injection of unregulated mRNA products, which were legally treated as biodefense military countermeasures (MCMs), into billions of human beings [emphasis added].
This vital information accords with the evidence.
A couple of things in the article stand out, however.
Ignoring other spike protein shots?
It’s unclear why Debbie and Sasha don’t mention Covid DNA vaccines (by AstraZenica and Johnson & Johnson), which, like the mRNA injections they do discuss (by Pfizer and Moderna), purportedly encode the toxic full-length spike protein and are associated with harms such as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), a life-threatening brain blood clot President Trump said the world should ignore.
After 14 Americans suffered deadly brain clots, “father of the vaccine” Trump says J&J’s Covid jab should not have been paused
Update 2/6/25:
In a note, Sasha pointed out her post includes a section stating a “pharmaceutical executive [from AstraZenica] was caught on tape saying that the U.S. Department of Defense called to inform him ‘that the newly discovered Sars-2 virus posed a national security threat.’”
That executive’s taped statement is featured in a video in Sasha’s article.
Sasha also commented for me to “grift harder.”
Answer: My observation above about DNA injections is not meant to imply Sasha’s article did not include the AstraZenica executive’s statement, but that her article covers “injection of unregulated mRNA products” under the section heading “why this information is crucial” and omits mention of the DNA shots.
My response to her note is here and to her comment is here.
Who runs the program?
Sasha and Debbie say they haven’t figured certain things out yet:
Who ordered and directed these operations?
Who benefited from them?
Who was and still is covering them up?
We have been investigating these questions for the last several years, and we hope many who read this will join us moving forward.
These questions have already been answered, says an NIH whistleblower who published a September 2022 paper revealing [redacted] military intelligence runs the Covid operation, including broader plans to disable, kill, and sterilize many with bioweapon injections.
Furthermore, [redacted] intelligence runs the US Defense Department and deceives America into wars not in its national interest, according to US Army Retired General Wesley Clark and others.
This is evidently also true for mandatory Covid injections for all US military personnel, again against America’s interest.
[Redacted] intelligence also runs the CIA and FBI and has conducted operations such as the USS Liberty, Kennedy assassinations, mass shootings to disarm Americans, and 9/11, report analysts.
When RFK Jr. says “the CIA” killed his father (senator RFK Sr.) and uncle (president JFK), he’s actually covering for [redacted], claims researcher Laurent Guyenot PhD.
As noted in this article:
1. They planned, executed, and covered up 9/11 and continue to censor media discussion of it every minute of every day, with assistance from US intelligence agencies, say researchers like Laurent Guyenot PhD, Christopher Bollyn, Alan Sabrosky PhD, and Heinz Pommer PhD.
2. They unleashed the Covid bioweapon and its injection, masking, and lockdown policies through control of the Pentagon and other agencies, according to analysts. And they engineered the viral spike protein as an ethnic bioweapon, observes a scientist eyewitness among others.
3. They killed the Kennedys, including JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr., say researchers like Ron Unz and Laurent Guyenot PhD.
Thus it appears those who mandate injections are acting in [redacted]’s interest, not your family’s.
Covid injection mandators act for [redacted] rather than Americans or Europeans: analyst
Commentators say [redacted] intelligence appears to cover multiple sides of Covid debates.
In view of the many limited hangouts apparently concealing aspects of the Covid operation, Sasha and Debbie provide important information hard to find elsewhere.
But there might be things they can’t tell you.
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Paving the way for the Noahide Laws.
Bill Cooper talks about it in "Behold A Pale Horse": According to the Pentagon Papers, the JASON Society holds the highest and most restrictive security clearances in the nation. They are given the protocol rank of rear admiral (two stars) when they visit or travel aboard ships or
visit military bases.
The 5G antennas coincide with the lockdowns so that when mass panic erupts due to food shortages, crowds can be controlled. The injections were a beta test. Who runs the JASON society? Greed, fear, the archons of The Dark One...but they will fail, as they always do.
We shall prevail.