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Symbolism in Trump’s staged shooting

You’re being played (Updated 8/27/24)

Donald Trump’s ear “shooting” appears to have been staged to get religious believers to think he is “anointed by God” to be America’s president again.

Trump contradicts evidence, won’t talk about it anymore

Based on physics, physiology, and available photos and videos, including Trump’s description of “blood all over the place” that contradicts photos showing his bloodless clothing and hand and minimally “bloody” ear, the story we’ve been told is impossible.

Yet millions appear to have fallen for this “ear grazing miracle” hoodwinking.

As with most false flag events including mass shootings, [redacted] intelligence agencies leave behind clues that have symbolic meaning, such as use of “33” in Covid signaling, says investigator Ole Dammegard.

Do Trump’s “blood” marks signal deception?

In the top video, Dammegard observes that the two facial “blood” streaks converging at Trump’s lips appear artificial, like carefully placed makeup.

The streaks not only symbolize heroic Braveheart war paint but possibly also a serpent’s forked tongue, representing Trump’s deceiving the public, Dammegard notes.

(Dammegard’s full video is here.)

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[Redacted] ear piercing ritual

In the video excerpted below, Rabbi Isser Zalmam Weisberg says, “Trump’s right ear was grazed in a symbolic gesture,” based on a Torah verse requiring that “a servant who wants to remain with his master needs to have his right ear pierced.”

This is affirmed by researchers such as one posting on X:

[Redacted] have ritualistically pierced Trump in the ear with an awl on a public stage.

It was a ritual to mark him as a bondslave whilst fooling the world he's the Orange Jesus.

He's being anointed as their 2nd goyim messiah, the "next Cyrus the Great," whom they believe will redeem the sins of [Esau] by literally destroying America (like the Weimar Republic before it) and who will transfer America's wealth to the orient whilst he tears down Al-Aqsa mosque and rebuilds the 3rd Temple, triggering potential WW3.

It is unknown whether Trump’s ear was really pierced with an awl by a rabbi posing as a Secret Service agent, as the poster suggests, or if his ear just had fake blood applied to it to fool people into thinking the ritual had “miraculously” been performed.

Shoes a sign of staged attacks

Dammegard says shoes are often presented as part of psychological operations involving fake terror attacks as “proof” people died in certain ways, when in fact this is not always or necessarily true.

This tactic is commonly also employed as a fear tactic to persuade law-abiding Americans to give up their guns and Second Amendment rights, he finds.

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