About 2.5 million people daily watch script reader Joy Behar on ABC’s The View and misguidedly seek her “advice.”
In the July 2021 TV appearance excerpted above, Behar insisted people be threatened to take Covid shots having no long-term public safety profile, as if she were not just a tyrant but also an infectious disease expert.
Joy Behar:
First of all, I hate to give her any attention, but does Marjorie Taylor Greene have the most limited vocabulary you've ever heard?
The congresswoman constantly is equating her big problem with wearing a mask or getting a totally safe vaccine with “the holocaust” and racism and slavery.
Come on, Marjorie, step up. I mean, really.
Here Behar mentions “the holocaust,” gilding everything else she says in a psychological coat of “sacredness” and presumed truth, thereby preempting disagreement, according to researchers.
So besides that, I just saw this morning that the CDC is now saying that even vaccinated people should be wearing masks indoors, which I have been doing when I go to the supermarket, et cetera.
Now, here's the thing about mandates. We've given them lottery tickets, we've given people incentives all over the place: football tickets, Krispy Kremes.
In West Virginia, they offered to give them a gun. Apparently the only shot they're scared of is the vaccine, not getting actually shot.
So bribery didn't work.
Okay. So the next step has to be what we might look at as threats.
You're not going to be able to go into a restaurant unless you're vaccinated.
And you're not going to be able to go into a museum.
You're not going to be able to go into a theater.
In France. President Macron has already made this a mandate.
And as of the past 24 hours, 1.3 million people have signed up. He didn't even put it into effect. He just said he's going to do it. And 1.3 million people have signed up.
Just the idea that you are going to lose your so-called freedom is scaring people.
By the way, one more small thing.
Why is their freedom more important than my freedom to not get sick?
I don't understand that idea that I'm taking away their freedom.
They're basically taking my freedom away by not getting vaccinated.
Can I get an amen on that?
Deadly effects
Denis Rancourt PhD has shown about 17 million excess deaths are attributable to Covid injections:
The measured all-ages vDFR [vaccine-dose fatality rate] of (0.126 ± 0.004) % implies that 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID‑19 vaccine deaths would have occurred globally, up to 2 September 2023.
It appears that the global COVID-19 vaccination campaign was in effect a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths.
What’s more likely, that Joy Behar suddenly became knowledgable enough about vaccinology to proclaim immoral imperatives for coerced injections, or that she’s a paid mouthpiece advancing a bioweapon operation using toxic shots and run by [redacted] military intelligence, as reported by an NIH scientist?
Precautionary presumption
As Joy Behar frequently fails to tell us, every coerced shot should be presumed a bioweapon until proven otherwise.
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