Was the 1976 swine flu vaccine a bioweapon attack?
CBS 60 Minutes says the CDC knew of neurologic damage including Guillain-Barré syndrome prior to vaccine launch but concealed it from the public (Updated 12/10/23)
The article below is excerpted from Scientist revealed American flu vaccine bioweapon in 2009: NIH insider.
Moshe’s vaccine bioweapon warnings might also relate to the 1976 American swine flu vaccine campaign.
CBS 60 Minutes reports the injection resulted in many cases of neurologic damage including Guillain-Barré syndrome and that the CDC knew of these adverse outcomes in advance of vaccine rollout, failed to warn the public or provide informed consent, and heavily promoted the injections using celebrities like Mary Tyler Moore, who actually refused the shot.
Sound familiar?
Furthermore, the government refused for years to pay people for their injuries, according to 60 Minutes.
The abject cruelty of this operation can be seen in the 60 Minutes story: a kindly American woman who believed her leaders’ propaganda became quadriplegic and needed mechanical ventilation and a tracheotomy due to Guillain-Barré after the shot.
She got no answers or help from vaccine makers or the government.

Is this what we get for trusting them?
According to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library:
More than 40 million people received the swine flu shot in less than three months.
A small number of people who were immunized developed a serious side effect, Guillain-Barré syndrome, which led to the suspension of the program on December 16 to investigate the risk associated with the vaccine.
Large scale immunization never resumed.
HEW [the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare] officially ended the swine flu immunization program in March 1977.

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The difference is that in 1976 when 400 people were vaxx injured they stopped promoting the injection. Now after many million are injured or dead from the experimental mRNA toxic jabs the psychopathic ghouls are still actively encouraging the young and healthy to take it.
This is all about population reduction, as will be the next pandemic, and the one after that.
They simply a preparing for a future without the useless eaters, us! It doesn't matter how many they kill, they would never get away with only vaccinating young girls of child bearing age (although they have done this in Africa, Gates with his tetanus "vaccine").