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Naomi Wolf and Alex Jones insist wipeout of Americans and Europeans by injections and invaders “is not about race”

How are they so sure about what perpetrators do not intend? (Updated 6/28/24)

Alex Jones and Naomi Wolf often provide important information to the public, but they constantly avoid mention of [redacted] military intelligence’s role in (a) the Covid bioweapon operation, according to a whistleblower; and (b) the current invasion of America and Western Europe.

These are but two of many projects reportedly aimed at weakening, killing, and replacing non-[redacted] White populations.

To the contrary, we hear emphatic “assurances” in the clip above (full video here):

  • Alex Jones: “It’s not about your color, folks” (at 2:49).

  • Naomi Wolf: “That’s why it’s not about race” (at 3:17).

They also claim it’s amorphous “globalists” doing this damage, leaving you bewildered as ever.

In saying America’s migrant invasion by nonwhites is not about harming particular racial or ethnic groups, Alex and Naomi divert your attention away from groups that allegedly (a) have been killing non-[redacted] White people of European descent since the Russian Revolution of 1917; and (b) have covertly influenced many governments in modern history.

Some in the video above say White genocide is just a “conspiracy theory.”

But is that true?

Nearly anyone who speaks out about demographic replacement today is censored, possibly labeled a “White supremacist,” and prevented from resisting the onslaught, instead being steered back to gatekeepers like Alex and Naomi.

Could those demanding censorship not want you to notice White people are being eliminated or to figure out who is doing it?

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Valid concerns

Back to the top video. Naomi Wolf makes good observations:

  • Illegals are housed in barracks-type structures and given free housing by the government, unprecedented in US history.

  • Americans and Europeans were essentially forced to take the shots, but illegals have never been so required.

  • Possibly before the 2024 election, there could be a signal from DHS, US State Department, or UN to “sleeper cells” of invaders embedded in strategic locations like Chicago O’Hare airport, to conduct terrorist attacks against Americans or otherwise kill them (video at 3:56).

    Patrick Byrne and Michael Yon agree such an attack is planned.

  • Americans’ foreign replacements have “no memory of free countries,” an excellent point. But this ignores a more immediate plan for illegals to kill Whites, analysts say, under the direction of leaders including Mayorkas, Garland, and Blinken.

Naomi Wolf’s “nazi” misdirection

One of Naomi’s recurring themes is China and “nazis” — presumably White Europeans — are primary enemies America should worry about.

Yet she makes no mention that (1) [redacted] intelligence appears to have coordinated with China for Covid injections, lockdowns, and the border invasion; and (2) supposed “nazi” incidents are almost always false flag operations by federal law enforcement, say informants, intended to demonize White people and take guns from law-abiding citizens.

When Whites are outnumbered

Nick Fuentes draws accurate inferences in the video below about what’s happening in America as Whites become a minority, using South Africa for comparison.

As an example of how some South African politicians regard White people, now in the minority there, consider John Andile Mngxitama, president of the Black First Land First party since October 2015 and former member of the National Assembly of South Africa:

We will kill the white man’s children, we will kill their women, we will kill anything that we find in our way!

Covid injection pushers discriminate against Whites

Oddly, many who promote Covid shots suggest they hate White people.

Is this just a coincidence?

For example, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has gone on TV for years recommending endless Covid shots, enriching himself in the process, while Pfizer forbids White people from obtaining corporate fellowships.

Why would that be?

Should you go back to sleep believing Alex Jones’s and Naomi Wolf’s claim the bad guys would never target White people?

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