Dr. Mike Yeadon discovers Del Bigtree and other prominent “vaccine skeptics” are limited hangouts
Del will “increase confidence in mandated vaccines,” and RFK Jr. and Dr. Robert Malone will tell you when some shots are safe to mandate, say experts (Updated 2/17/25)
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Mike Yeadon replied to a comment by Sage Hana on a Conspiracy Sarah post:
I was interviewed twice for Highwire before I realised that they’re limited hangouts. All the leading “freedom fighters” are.
The uncorrupted are censored to a flattering extent.
I doubt they fully understand what is happening. At least, I hope not.
Dr. Yeadon’s above reply was to this comment by Sage:
That moment when you realize:
Go back to the start of CHD [Children’s Health Defense] and Highwire.
Bigtree around 2015-2016. Did [the documentary] Vaxxed with [Dr. Andrew] Wakefield.
CHD was also getting underway.
Founded by anti-vaccination activist Eric Gladen in 2007, the World Mercury Project was a relatively minor group until Kennedy joined its board in 2015. Its budget jumped to nearly half a million dollars and in 2018, changed its name to Children's Health Defense.
They knew the pandemic was coming (Good Club, Operation Lockstep 2009-2010)
Do you see what happened?
Now look at them go. Look at them make the turn to The Father of the Vaccine and The King of Israel.
“I don't think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for UNWILLING Americans UNLESS we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.”
BOBBY KENNEDY, 2019 with a Giant Loophole
Bigtree's ICAN
JUSTIFICATION [for ICAN’s “vaccine confidence” legislation]: Adding this exemption will increase confidence in mandated vaccines.
If you have eyes to see and about eleven people seem to ... you are getting an education in how "pragmatism" and legalese and ACTORS are used to prey on the gullible.
In case you missed it, “The Father of the Vaccine and The King of Israel” is Donald Trump.
Critics say Trump betrayed America by promoting deadly Covid shots and supposedly fulfilling “prophecies” through a staged ear-piercing event marking him as a bondslave.
What is a limited hangout?
From Wikipedia:
[A] limited hangout is "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting — sometimes even volunteering — some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."
How can one identify these people?
As controlled opposition, limited hangouts for Covid shots reveal injection harms — a valuable service — but provide misdirection and gatekeeping to veer you from seeing real intent, goals, and perpetrators, according to researchers.
What they tell you:
Damage is all unintentional and accidental (like the “lab leak” and “experimental shots” psyops).
No matter how harmful, the injections are well intended.
It’s just big pharma trying to profit.
Politicians pushing the shots just want power and money and to control you.
Those behind the plan are “nazis.”
Let’s forgive, move on, “let the healing begin,” and not lay blame.
What they don’t tell you:
One goal is slow- and fast-kill weapons to disable, kill, and sterilize.
The spike protein was designed with higher binding affinities for some ethnically distributed genetic variants of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 receptors than for others. (This implies intended effect trends across populations, not that all in any ethnic group are affected or spared.)
[Redacted] military intelligence runs things and both attacks Covid shot critics and funds “vaccine opposition,” say analysts.
The target is mainly Europe and America.
Who are limited hangouts for Covid?
Researchers say the following appear as leading candidates:
RFK Jr. and Malone
Tereza Coraggio has explored the relationship between presented heroes Dr. Robert Malone and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Of Malone and RFK Jr. as injection “skeptics,” attorney Laura Garcia commented on a Tessa Lena post:
I was awake before Malone about the mRNA vaccines and the danger they presented ... so why should I defer to him?
Why should I thank him and be grateful for what he brings to the table ... so far, especially compared to others in the MFM [Medical Freedom Movement], he has brought very little of any new information to my awareness. I mean that sincerely ... I have learned little from him. …
Malone himself has exhibited repeatedly this air of it was all just a colossal blunder of small minded bureaucrats and we need to love our neighbor to heal. ... yeah, sorry ... that was a tell for me nearly 6 months ago.
Do you ever wonder if Malone will be the new head of the FDA especially if Kennedy were to succeed?
I do, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. Can’t even explain ... but my stomach has saved my life on more than one occasion when following the experts would have virtually guaranteed my premature death.
RFK Jr. on shots
Peggy Hall observes two things about RFK Jr.:
He never seems to call for repeal of the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which grants immunity from liability for manufacturers of shots on the CDC childhood vaccine schedule and has resulted in despotic school injection mandates and incentive payments to pediatricians that create atrocious conflicts of interest.
He focuses on harmful injection ingredients but not the right to refuse consent to any shot or other medical intervention, a paramount principle of medical ethics that renders all “health” mandates unethical.
Do you think RFK Jr. will end vaccine mandates?
Think again after you hear his conditional statement from 2019:
I don’t think that we ought to be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans unless we know precisely that that vaccine is going to end up helping people rather than hurting them.
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I do not think Del Bigtree should be lumped into this group. He himself is unvaxxed and all his kids are it’s not like he just suddenly joined the antivaxxers. People who got the vaccine then decided they were bad are much more suspicious to me. He has done tons of work in many states helping to keep mandates from happening. He came to Oregon to help us because he saw the same thing happening here that happened in California well before Covid crap happened. I think he is trying to speak to the people who don’t get it yet. And actually get legislation changed to benefit those of us that don’t want them for ourselves or our children. If they didn’t fight all these lawsuits where the hell would we be? Most people wouldn’t know anything about what’s going on. The lawsuits forced the pushers to admit what is actually in vaccines to the public and on record. Not counting covid
Yup. The message for the average person- follow none.
No one is here to save you, you must save yourself. Now if that concept scares you, then you will follow anyone with the "right" presentation. So eventually you'll fall for it
If that concept invigorates you, then your inner voice is strong and you will be hard to capture.