Sitemap - 2024 - James Hill MD’s Newsletter

How exemptions to injection mandates train you to submit to deadly religious laws

Incentive payments to doctors for child vaccines pose conflict of interest hidden from parents: pediatrician

False flag attack on America will be blamed on Iran: analyst

Fight Club movie reveals [redacted]’s role in 9/11

[Redacted] will create “another 9/11” to trick Americans and Europeans again into war: researcher

They will cut power and internet to kill and create chaos: analyst

Would they really starve us to death?

Ministers lullaby believers into embracing destruction of America and Europe

Deagel coming true: 80% of Americans gone by 2025

White replacement in America and Europe

Masks shed plastic particles that embed in artery walls and associate with 4.5X risk of heart attack, stroke, or death

Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich says German “nazis” run the Covid operation and [redacted] are their victims, supposedly like in World War II

FBI and Department of Justice say they target White citizens

Criminalize vaccine coercion, lockdowns, and mandates of masks and shots now

The depopulation isn’t global: invasions and injections target Europeans and Americans

Prisoner release as prelude to genocide

Will Congress reveal if [redacted] is behind 9/11 and the Covid bioweapon operation?

Operatives erode First Amendment to censor you

Trump sold out America by promoting Covid shots: analyst

CDC director Mandy Cohen wants your kids forced to wear harmful masks again

Ben Shapiro fuels America’s destruction: commentators

“Thirty-three” code in Covid kill operation

Covid injection network: civilian operatives

Don’t let them get away with it: Dr. Michael Yeadon

Vaccines can cause autism: former NIH director

[Redacted] controls Covid injections and much of the opposition: researchers

Dr. Drew says give Covid crooks “a pass,” don’t blame anyone for killing by lockdowns and injections

Covid shots associated with fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are deployed by [redacted] as prion brain weapons: scientist

Joy Behar demands you take shots associated with excess deaths or lose your “so-called freedom” to travel and buy food

RFK Jr. says don’t blame anyone for Covid injection harms